Example sentences of "assign to [pers pn] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In fact one of the problems of a stratificational analysis is that it classifies women in a somewhat arbitrary manner , sometimes assigning to them the class of their husbands or fathers and sometimes determining their class by their own occupations .
2 The traditional Keynesian view of the conduct of monetary policy has been to assign to it the role of interest rate and/or exchange rate stabilization .
3 Counsel for the estate agents assigned to it the meaning , ‘ rent agreed between the parties ’ at the time of entering the lease .
4 He was concerned with the sale and exchange of fiefs and the preservation of the comital domain : there is some evidence that , like the Recognicionesfeodorum of 1273–5 in Gascony , measures intended to clarify and even reform the feudal structure of the comté were initiated under Edward I. In a letter dated 5 June 1285 Edward and Eleanor confirmed a grant by Gerard d'Abbeville , lord of Mons-Bouberc , in which he assigned to her the payment of an annual rent on his property at Abbeville .
5 Example 3:1 Limitation on liability of original tenant ( 1 ) in this clause " the original tenant " means the said … only and this clause applies to any period after the term hereby granted ceases to be vested in the original tenant ( 2 ) if and so often as the tenant fails to pay the rent or any other sum properly due under this lease or commits any breach of covenant known to the landlord then the landlord shall forthwith notify the original tenant of that fact ( 3 ) the landlord shall not be entitled to recover from the original tenant any arrears of rent or other sums payable under this lease where the rent or other sums claimed became due earlier than three months before the original tenant was notified under sub-clause ( 2 ) above ( 4 ) the original tenant shall not be liable for any arrears of rent or other sum falling due after the date upon which this lease is expressed to expire or any breach of covenant committed after that date Example 3:2 Limitation on liability of tenant ( 1 ) In this clause ( a ) " the original tenant " means only ( b ) " the original assignee " means a person to whom the original tenant lawfully assigns this lease ( 2 ) upon a lawful assignment of this lease by the original tenant the original tenant ( a ) shall be released from further personal liability for any breach of any of the tenant 's obligations under this lease occurring after the date of the assignment but ( b ) shall guarantee performance by the original assignee of those obligations until the expiry or other determination of the term or ( if sooner ) a lawful assignment of this lease by the original assignee Example 3:3 Restriction on landlord 's ability to sue original tenant at any time after the lawful assignment of this lease by [ name of original tenant ] the landlord shall not be entitled to enforce against him the tenant 's obligations under this lease unless the landlord shall have first ( 1 ) recovered judgment against all other persons against whom the landlord is or has become entitled to enforce those obligations either as principal or surety and ( 2 ) attempted to levy excution upon such judgment and upon payment by [ name of original tenant ] of any sum due under such judgment the landlord shall assign to him the benefit of it Example 3:4 Definition clause making tenant liable for rent during holding over period " the term " includes not only the term expressed to be granted by this lease but also any period after the date on which the term is expressed to expire during which the tenancy continues under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 Example 3:5 Clause making the tenant liable to pay rent and interim rent promptly to pay the rent reserved by this lease without any deduction or set-off and any rent substituted for it either as a result of a rent review under this lease or the agreement or determination of a rent payable by virtue of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 , s24A
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