Example sentences of "seems reasonable to assume that " in BNC.

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1 The end of the coil is closed , and it seems reasonable to assume that the animal started growing as a coiled shell .
2 It seems reasonable to assume that there was a change in the dominant ideology within the Conservative party in the mid-1970s .
3 On balance it seems reasonable to assume that this coffin was supplied by one of the established London cabinet-makers with a small funeral furnishing interest .
4 Certainly , it seems reasonable to assume that individuals whose temperamental make-up is more ‘ psychotic ’ , and who therefore have a greater predisposition to psychosis , will be in greatest danger of passing over the threshold into overt illness , just as those of anxious temperament are more likely to develop an anxiety neurosis , and persons whose blood pressure is more labile will carry an enhanced risk of heart attack or stroke .
5 It seems reasonable to assume that changes in the steady-state responses , as measured in the above experiments , reflect alterations that would also affect the response to synaptically released L-glutamate ( for example , changes in the number , or conductance properties , of AMPA receptors ) .
6 Though it seems reasonable to assume that the ideal candidate for cardiac transplantation is one who has irreversible cardiac failure and severe symptomatic restrictions despite all treatment but with no requirement for intravenous or interventional support and no secondary end organ damage , in practice many of the patients referred for consideration of transplantation require active support in hospital and have been referred in some cases because they have developed secondary end organ damage .
7 It seems reasonable to assume that greater consumption of host resources by nematodes causes reductions in host fecundity , and that , as in other parasitic nematodes , bigger worms produce more eggs .
8 It also seems reasonable to assume that you , the reader , apart from making sense of it , could , if asked , give a large amount of information about it which is not explicitly expressed in it .
9 We have no hard evidence of the origins of language in prehistoric communities , but it seems reasonable to assume that speech preceded writing and dialogue preceded monologue .
10 Nevertheless , it seems reasonable to assume that the specific nature of the object , and in particular its physical presence , will result in a tendency for it to act in certain distinctive ways , compared with other media of cultural expression .
11 Since linguistic change and rapid dialect mixing appear to be a general characteristic of urban dialects ( Labov 1972b : 300 ) , it seems reasonable to assume that insight can be gained into the processes of their formation if a set of data from a city is compared with a set from a surrounding area .
12 If a variable measured in the course of an experiment settles down with time , to a constant , or a maintained oscillation , it seems reasonable to assume that it is approaching some stable , maintained course that corresponds to an equilibrium or periodic solution
13 It seems reasonable to assume that the arrangements could be completed effectively within that time .
14 However , it seems reasonable to assume that pragmatic factors in comprehension will also be present in production .
15 In addition , it seems reasonable to assume that the development will attain an occupancy rate much higher than that at present .
16 However , in cases on other provisions of the Act reported to date the courts have adopted a broad , purposive , interpretation , and it therefore seems reasonable to assume that s3 could apply to all the situations described .
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