Example sentences of "amount [prep] little more than " in BNC.

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1 This model of socialism has involved some limited changes in economic ownership , but in practice has invariably amounted to little more than state direction of predominantly privately owned economic activity , and the maintenance of some minimum standards of social provision for all .
2 The certificate on form R190(SD) must be completed but this can be done at any time and amounts to little more than a claim procedure .
3 It 's all sturdy and dense and impressively intense , but it amounts to little more than a grumpy grumble from the arty side of town .
4 But , in terms of disability services , the choice available to us amounts to little more than Hobson 's choice .
5 There is a great deal of potential here for criminalising conduct that amounts to little more than arguing with a policeman , which it should be one of the aims of public order law to prevent .
6 A good string orchestra can attain a degree of pianissimo which amounts to little more than an attenuated whisper , and is also capable of a robust and solid fortissimo which is almost ‘ brassy ’ in its effect .
7 ‘ Pride and dignity ’ appears to be barely different from conventional ambition/self-presentation/self-nurture , ultimately amounting to little more than the uncritical desire to participate in society on its own terms .
8 The extent of formal training given by employing organisations was usually minimal , amounting to little more than an introduction , with other skills being learned on the job .
9 However , the title of this paper restricts reference to developed countries only , but even here the normative suggestions about distortions to prices of factors and outputs ( leading to inappropriate signals to research institutions ) seem to amount to little more than wishful thinking .
10 For the moment , the revolution of 1327 seemed to amount to little more than the replacement of one greedy and unscrupulous faction by another .
11 In the Western media the University unrest was given prominent and extensive coverage , although it appeared to amount to little more than a mass bout of bottle throwing , which was nevertheless an act of political defiance aimed at the country 's " elder statesman " leader , Deng Xiaoping , whose last name was a homonym for the words " little bottle " .
12 The distinction between capital and maintenance schemes can sometimes amount to little more than an administrative technicality , and as grants for capital schemes are reduced , there is a possibility that old-style capital works will be slipped by under the banner of maintenance .
13 While some contributions amount to little more than a description of manufacturers ' software , others delve into the concepts and methodologies .
14 Again most of these stars are red , with spectral types of M , R , N or S. Their amplitudes are less than for the Mira stars , and usually amount to little more than a magnitude .
15 So you end up taking a whole pile of clothes , most of which invariably amount to little more than ballast .
16 My alterations to D'Oyly 's account in fact " amount to little more than replacing " kinsman of the bride , kinsman of the bridegroom " by " mother 's brother " or cross-cousin " as appropriate .
17 He wrote : " All the occurrences of Jurassic formations … amount to little more than relics of marginal lappings of the sea around the edges of the continents ; the sole exception being the Tethys " .
18 Half-built houses had hitherto been exempt from local taxes and the country was full of new ‘ housing developments ’ , which amounted to little more than forests of concrete stumps and rusty struts and braces .
19 A great deal of it amounted to little more than an adjunct to farming , typically by smallholders plying a trade on the side .
20 Whatever Isabella 's private intentions may have been , the deposition of the king had so far formed no part of her publicly declared programme , which amounted to little more than the removal of the Despensers .
21 Indeed , Professor Roskell has gone so far as to suggest that the nobility could not be relied upon to attend parliament in the 1350s and 1360s even when they were present in England , and that these parliaments amounted to little more than tax bargaining sessions between the king and the commons .
22 The sharpest criticism levelled was that the collection amounted to little more than a reshuffling .
23 This amounted to little more than a regrading of established Yorkist bureaucrats , and the same can be said of the exchequer , where the office of treasurer , left empty by the death of the earl of Essex , was filled by the earl 's former deputy John Wood .
24 There was general agreement that current initiatives to meet those problems were ineffective , that there was little consultation with the people of West Belfast and that frequently they amounted to little more than cosmetic exercises .
25 Back in November , Mr Bush got a rude shock when his ‘ Energy Strategy ’ ( which amounted to little more than building a few more nuclear reactors and opening up every remaining square inch of Alaska to further oil exploration ) got kicked out by the Senate .
26 Also the translation process amounted to little more than looking up words in bi-lingual dictionaries .
27 His well-meaning attempt at being nice to Black Britons amounted to little more than the recital of a catalogue of sporting achievement .
28 Another writer has argued that , apart from the period of financial crisis in the immediate aftermath of the war , government control amounted to little more than the application of Keynesian nostrums and wartime controls rather than the application of thoroughgoing plans for the reconstruction of industry .
29 Extended development of heads and others has in the past amounted to little more than the agglomeration of courses relating to specific short-term issues .
30 The front-page story lacked most of the details with which Tracey had supplied her , and amounted to little more than a rewritten version of the PA copy she had seen .
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