Example sentences of "wash [pos pn] hands [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I have a pee , then I wash my hands at the sink .
2 As , like Pontius Pilate , the ancestors gladly wash their hands of the sordid business of administering justice , witchcraft readily steps forward to take the necessary action , acquiring in the process an even more clearly defined moralizing character .
3 They wash their hands of the matter .
4 And he 'd wipe his brush on a rag soaked in turps and wash his hands in the kitchen sink and off they 'd go , calling for Preston sometimes from next door , because he liked it , too .
5 ‘ Either we wash our hands of the country and allow the Communists to overrun it ; or to continue to pour treasure ( and perhaps eventually lives ) into a hopeless cause … at a cost of alienating vital segments of Asian public opinion . ’
6 Fortunately w the canal was close to , we all er rushed to the canal and wash our hands in the canal and wash our face cos the vapour had gone on to us .
7 Before you wash your hands of the affair , find out if the lender or adviser is tied or independent — it could make all the difference .
8 The Government seem to have washed their hands of the problem : they are taking no responsibility for it , and that is not good enough .
9 The League of Nations appeared to have washed its hands of the city , and the general attitude was that it was a matter for Poles and Germans to decide between themselves .
10 World washes its hands of the horror Commentary .
11 Walkinshaw has now washed his hands of the BRDC , saying : ‘ You should speak to them .
12 And if you push me much harder , I 'll wash my hands of the whole thing and tell the Committee I ca n't cope , and make it clear I want you out — out , do you understand ?
13 The Irish League can not just wash their hands of the matter , as Morton McKnight seems to have done .
14 It should not be the intention of the data processing department to ‘ wash their hands of the applications ’ if the major role in decision-making related to their development rests with the users .
15 Mr Hogan would wash his hands in the downstairs cloakroom and always profess pleasure at the lamb chops , the bacon and cabbage , or the plate of cod and parsley sauce on a Friday .
16 In between courses he would wash his hands in the air and speak with a pulpit authority laced with a show of charm .
17 You can wash your hands in the bathroom .
18 Why do n't you wash your hands in the bathroom ?
19 The government is now washing its hands of the industry as it hands it over to a rigged market which will leave very few pits in Britain and the destruction of an asset which the British people asked the government to save and which the government said they were going to save .
20 Dolores and her father were already at the table , and her two brothers were just washing their hands in the kitchen with young Pablo the fisherman who was Lina 's intended .
21 He can see what the bitter outcome can be , but instead of washing his hands of the affair , he doggedly and morbidly follows the Carbone 's situation to its tragic resolution .
22 THE Scottish Secretary , Ian Lang , was accused yesterday of acting like Pontius Pilate in washing his hands of the controversy over a hospital trust which wants to sack staff and reduce wages .
23 We are not washing our hands of the problem .
24 But I must ask you to stop washing your hands in the Holy water , and please , please , do not refer to me as Mother Shapiro . ’
25 The British had obviously decided to wash their hands of the whole affair .
26 A member of Hong Kong 's Legislative Council , Nellie Fong , said the British were ‘ trying to wash their hands in the mantle of democracy ’ .
27 Sub-Prior Richard , decent , comfortable , placid man , marshalled the other ranks out to their ordinary labours , and to the refectory shortly afterwards for dinner , and by his own mildly stupid calm had calmed his flock into a perfectly normal appetite by the time they went to wash their hands before the meal .
28 She cleaned the brush she was using then washed her hands at the sink .
29 In Yugoslavia the bishops washed their hands of the apparitions at Medjugorje .
30 His appointment was the success story of this period , and even when the Goldsmiths eventually washed their hands of the School , they continued to help him with gifts to the Church to which he had been appointed in Portwood .
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