Example sentences of "operate at a lower [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In this case , however , the economy will operate at a lower level of income and expenditure .
2 The TEC LM100 is a corded gun which operates at a lower temperature ( almost 70° lower is claimed by the manufacturers ) than most models , making possible the bonding of heat-sensitive materials such as polystyrene foam , fabrics and thin film material .
3 The cold water cistern provides a reserve of water in case the mains should be cut off for any reason , and because the system ( apart from the rising main ) operates at a lower pressure it is quieter .
4 It could also sustain redistributive policies that might be very difficult to operate at a lower level .
5 Far too many handicapped young people have been condemned to operate at a lower level of education and achievement than their abilities warrant because of lack of facilities for further and higher education .
6 And , because they are designed to operate at a lower cost level they tend not to make demands for expensive peripherals such as PostScript devices or even simpler page printers such as Epsons and Okis that emulate the Hewlett-Packard LaserJet .
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