Example sentences of "throw himself into the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Hoover threw himself into the campaign .
2 The should of slow labouring footsteps could be heard moving along the first-floor landing as the boy threw himself into the kitchen and slammed the door behind him .
3 Nonetheless , he threw himself into the Union , making an ‘ absolute ’ fool of himself and becoming disillusioned .
4 He threw himself into the making of ITV series Travelling Man and was rewarded with huge success in the ratings .
5 Rex thrust Laura into the back of the car and threw himself into the driver 's seat .
6 Happily there presented itself such a person in Jeffrey ( now deservedly Lord ) Sterling , who threw himself into the task with total dedication .
7 Cressy had been moored at Tardebigge for four years while Rolt undertook various forms of engineering war-work , but when peace returned he threw himself into the task of preserving the canal system .
8 Immediately he threw himself into the organization of a monster Albert Hall rally to welcome the Revolution .
9 This caused such a stir that Harrison threw himself into the cause of medical reform .
10 He threw himself into the cause with immense energy , addressing meetings all over the country , persuading , lobbying , begging for funds .
11 He tried for years without success until finally , in utter despair , he threw himself into the kiln .
12 Caledor throws himself into the sea rather than be captured .
13 Doug was throwing himself into the part with relish .
14 When Geoffrey of Brittany was buried it was said that Philip had been forcibly prevented from throwing himself into the grave to join his friend .
15 In Yohei 's case , this collapses into a craven botch — hilariously acted by Ryo Amamiya — in which he more or less accidentally dispatches his wife but ca n't bring himself to take the plunge and throw himself into the river as promised .
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