Example sentences of "responsibility for the development [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Out of it came the British Aircraft Corporation ( an amalgamation of Vickers and English Electric ) with the design contract , and Bristol-Siddeley with the responsibility for the development of the Olympus engine .
2 ‘ The department will also decide to send staff on courses as part of its responsibility for the development of professional and non-professional staff ’ …
3 IXI will remain intact as an SCO subsidiary , and is to take over some responsibility for the development of Open Desktop — SCO 's graphical operating system bundle which has yet to deliver in the manner promised .
4 Furthermore , peripherals used by each are likely to be drawn together into a single , compatible product line and Fujitsu is expected to take over more responsibility for the development of ICL and Amdahl 's mainframe CPU architectures .
5 Understanding the legislative processes in Westminster and Whitehall , the role of parliament including government and opposition parties and the system by which laws are made ; appreciating the responsibilities of the EEC Commission , the European Parliament and the administrative bodies ; responsibility for the development of EEC directives and transnational law .
6 The teacher tutors took responsibility for the development of all the work of the classes concerned ( fourth and fifth year ) .
7 Dr J Tait of the Faculty of Technology Systems at the Open University was appointed as Co-ordinator for the Programme , with responsibility for the development of the Programme .
8 A new Ministry of Commerce , Industry and Co-operatives led by Richard Kaijuka ( hitherto Minister of Energy ) was given responsibility for the development of import substitution and the promotion of exports .
9 A year later he joined the board of P&O European Transport Services , moving to Mannheim in 1990 , with responsibility for the development of the POETS ' European transport network .
10 He freely acknowledged that responsibility for the development in rural areas of Essex would lie with the RAC but he invited the resident tutor to expand , if he so wished , his activities into existing WEA centres at Chelmsford , Harwich , Dovercourt and Silver End .
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