Example sentences of "express [pron] support [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The USSR noted ‘ with satisfaction ’ that ‘ Iran is expressing its support for the world-wide democratic international Non-Aligned Movement ’ .
2 Finally , thank you to all those readers who wrote from smallholdings all over Britain expressing their support for the John McCarthy campaign .
3 IWISH to express my support for the ambulance men and women .
4 On Oct. 25 the two main opposition groups , the DCR and the NSF , expressed their support for a DNSF minority government on condition that it committed itself to " the evolution of Romania towards democracy … and the pursuit of economic reform " .
5 All the main parties except the communist Party of the Left and the Greens expressed their support for the move .
6 The government , claiming that granting the pilots ' wage demand would set off a wage explosion and damage the economy , expressed its support for the airlines and took unprecedented steps to break the strike .
7 President Askar Akayev of Kirghizia condemned the " anti-constitutional coup " and Yeltsin 's decrees were repeatedly broadcast , but the Kirghiz CP expressed its support for the SCSE .
8 After the election the new government in November 1990 again expressed its support for the ban and confirmed that it remained in place .
9 Two centuries after Hale 's pronouncement , Pollock B. unequivocally expressed his support for the marital rape exemption in similar terms .
10 In Brazil Bush thanked President Fernando Collor de Mello for adopting sanctions against Iraq ( one of Brazil 's major export markets ) and expressed his support for the government 's efforts to protect the Amazonian rain forest .
11 Baker travelled to Egypt on July 19 for talks with Mubarak , who expressed his support for the US plan , as did the visiting Lebanese Foreign Minister Faris Buwayz .
12 Ron George , leader of the Native Council of Canada , expressed his support for the package which , he said , would allow Canada 's native inhabitants for the first time to become " contributing members instead of poor statistics " .
13 ANDES 21 de junio ( Asociacion Nacional de Educadores Salvadorenos ) is a founder member of the BPR and openly expresses its support for the FDR-FMLN , while both the state and the Catholic universities have been consistent critics of the lack of democratic and civil liberties and have argued cogently for the need for social and economic reforms .
14 Earlier , a Soviet official accompanying Mr Gorbachev said the Kremlin leader would express his support for an all-European conference next year to examine the burning issue of German reunification .
15 Nigel Short , who is taking a break in Greece , has already expressed his support for the contest 's being held in Manchester .
16 And for this reason we have expressed our support for the Programme of the Revolutionary Democratic Government of the FMLN-FDR .
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