Example sentences of "place themselves [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Those who do not voluntarily or semi-voluntarily place themselves under the authority of relatively just governments are under a partial and qualified obligation to recognize the authority of such a government in their country .
2 Nowadays such national sentiments are also defended by those who place themselves within the traditions of liberalism .
3 In 1983 , for example , Gallup found that of voters who placed themselves on the political left and right , 22 per cent placed themselves at various ranges of the left end of the scale ( from ‘ far ’ to ‘ slightly ’ left ) , 51 per cent placed themselves on the right , and 13 per cent regarded themselves as middle of the road .
4 The Stanleys were careful to place themselves at the head of local opinion rather than ride the county roughshod and their identity of opinion with local Unionists on political and religious matters made them even more powerful .
5 In a message to UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali the committee according to the Middle East News Agency on April 9 forwarded a message from Libya : the Libyan authorities would not object to the two men placing themselves at the disposal , via the Arab League , of the UN Secretary-General .
6 The plaintiff then instituted proceedings against the defendants claiming damages for their breach of duty in failing to disclose material information to him and placing themselves in a position where their duties and interests conflicted .
7 Therefore , in order to avoid panic attacks , they stop placing themselves in the situations in which they had previously experienced these feelings .
8 The letter asked whether there could remain within CPSU ranks people who encouraged splits , engaged in factionalism and who " by their views and conduct have in effect placed themselves outside the party " .
9 If the incumbents of high office on opposite sides of the city 's Royal Mile succeed in blocking the proposed art sales , they will place themselves under an obligation to produce an alternative solution to the financial crisis .
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