Example sentences of "place himself [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I was particularly taken by Patricia Routledge , unmistakeable even looking through a letter box , and by Lionel Jeffries for his affecting rendition of : The troops are ready to mutiny , The colonel is missing or dead , When up steps a bold , young lieutenant And places himself at the head .
2 The male places himself behind the female and pecks at her cloaca .
3 Brian Hall , safety and training officer at Redpath Offshore , said he found it difficult to explain why Mr Eaton had placed himself under the pipe .
4 Charles now placed himself on a par with Lothar and Louis the German ( whose teenage sons had recently begun to play an active political role themselves ) .
5 But in terms of his public image as seen at the time , he had been careful to distance himself from the unpopular anti Jewish terror of the Nazi mobs and had placed himself on the side of legality .
6 A young man placed himself between the shafts of the trap and prepared to pull his passengers round the village , but not before the publican had been fined a barrel of beer for speaking at the same time as the ‘ Lord Mayor ’ .
7 There could be no doubt that by competing with the plaintiffs both as regards supplies and customers he had placed himself in a position in which there was a conflict of interest and duty .
8 The defendant had placed himself in a position where his duty and interest conflicted even though both the employee and client appear to have had no intention of remaining with the plaintiff .
9 He should have placed himself in the middle between Laura and Maggie he thought .
10 As Templeman LJ put it : As between Scherings and [ the expert ] if [ the expert ] had obtained the information from sources other than Scherings , then it would of course not have been confidential in his hands , but , by agreeing to advise Scherings and by accepting information from them to enable him to advise Scherings , [ the expert ] placed himself under a duty , in my judgment not to make use of that information without the consent of Scherings in a manner which Scherings reasonably considered harmful to their cause .
11 The next customer was a thin elderly man , he placed himself on a seat and wanted to be served .
12 And when he had said this he placed himself at the feet of the Bishop , and there before all the people made a general confession of all his sins , and all the faults which he had committed against our Lord Jesus Christ .
13 ‘ I 'll go in front as the standard bearer , ’ said Nigel as he placed himself at the head of his patrol .
14 Acland placed himself at the head of the ‘ moral renaissance ’ , consolidating a personal following built around his best-selling books and endless public meetings into a loose organization called ‘ Forward March ’ .
15 In June 1263 , however , when Simon of Montfort [ q.v. ] resurrected the cause of the Provisions and advanced on the capital , Fitzthomas placed himself at the head of ‘ the people ’ who had taken to the streets in Montfort 's support .
16 Then , snatching a lance from one of them , he placed himself at the apex and , couching the lance , shouted to charge .
17 ‘ The Master took them quietly from his person and told him such things were not allowed to be introduced into the workhouse , he then placed himself in a fighting attitude and threatened to knock the Master 's teeth down his throat , thereby setting bad examples to others ’
18 Wycliffe and Curtis sat in the stern while Smith placed himself in the lee of the fo'c'sle on a little tip-up seat by the wheel .
19 Colour Sgt Oram 's Queen 's Gallantry Medal was awarded after he placed himself in the firing line time and time again saving the lives of others .
20 Colour Sgt Oram 's Queen 's Gallantry Medal , was awarded after he placed himself in the firing line time and time again saving the lives of others .
21 By the age of 35 he had become the youngest president of the largest and most prominent synagogue in Canada ; brilliantly engineered the merging of all the philanthropic societies of Montreal ( ‘ With a view to obtaining the greatest efficiency with the least possible expense and labour , ’ — surely his own life-principle next to his religious and familial devotions ) ; and placed himself in the forefront of the social and economic battles of the period .
22 As I have shown above , there is a strong tendency in the organization to dismiss the social sciences , and it therefore seems fair to suggest that any police officer who elects to read for a degree in that discipline is knowingly placing himself into a position of outsider .
23 Law conceived of the role of the leader in an exactly opposite sense from Balfour : he sought to foster unity by placing himself at the head of the discordant elements where Balfour had thrown the leadership on the side of restraint .
24 Now , in accepting Tully 's offer , the defendant was not protecting his master 's interests … [ he ] was placing himself in a position in which there was a conflict of interests between him and his principal and he was looking after his own interests to the detriment of his master 's interests .
25 In his memoirs , Wilson makes no bones of placing himself in the line of succession of Baldwin , Churchill and Macmillan .
26 If Burun 's refusal to place himself in a position of prominence by acting as Artai 's proposer was a subterfuge to disclaim his influence , then it was apparent that none of the Khans recognised it .
27 The most is the invocation to light in book three , in which Milton speaks out of his blindness , uses that to place himself in a tradition , and again without foregoing his intensity of personal involvement .
28 The basic fiduciary duties may be summarised as follows : ( 1 ) The " no conflict " rule : the fiduciary must not place himself in a position where his own interest conflicts with that of his [ customer ] , the beneficiary ; ( 2 ) The " no profit " rule : the fiduciary must not profit from his position at the expense of his [ customer ] ; ( 3 ) The undivided loyalty rule : a fiduciary owes undivided loyalty to his [ customer ] , the beneficiary , and therefore must not place himself in a position where his duty towards one [ customer ] conflicts with a duty that he owes to another [ customer ] .
29 The basic fiduciary duties may be summarised as follows : ( 1 ) The " no conflict " rule : the fiduciary must not place himself in a position where his own interest conflicts with that of his [ customer ] , the beneficiary ; ( 2 ) The " no profit " rule : the fiduciary must not profit from his position at the expense of his [ customer ] ; ( 3 ) The undivided loyalty rule : a fiduciary owes undivided loyalty to his [ customer ] , the beneficiary , and therefore must not place himself in a position where his duty towards one [ customer ] conflicts with a duty that he owes to another [ customer ] .
30 An officer who was not himself thus inclined complained that his predecessor ( and friend ) had ‘ considered that the man in charge of the northern area of Masailand should place himself in an atmosphere of utter discomfort ; in short should become a wild man of the west and suffer privations of all kinds .
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