Example sentences of "security council [verb] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On June 3 the UN Security Council asked the UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali to present as soon as possible " a new report concerning progress made in the application of the plan " for a referendum on the future of the Western Sahara .
2 The United Nations Security Council passed a resolution asking North Korea to reconsider its withdrawal from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and to comply fully with nuclear inspections .
3 By agreeing to talks with the North , the Americans won China 's abstention when the UN Security Council passed a resolution this month calling on the North to stay in the NPT .
4 Meanwhile , the UN Security Council passed a series of resolutions ( Resolutions 660-665 ) , including the imposition of mandatory sanctions against Iraq .
5 On 30 July 1947 the UN Security Council ordered a ceasefire .
6 The South African government was unanimously condemned for the level of violence in the country and delegates called for an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council to debate the issue [ see also p. 38990 ] .
7 The South African government was unanimously condemned for the level of violence in the country and delegates called for an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council to debate the issue [ see also p. 38990 ] .
8 The UN Security Council adopted a resolution on Nov. 10 increasing the strength of the UN Protection Force in Yugoslavia ( UNPROFOR ) by 75 military observers in order to implement the ban on military flights over Bosnia-Hercegovina , agreed on Oct. 9 [ see p. 39149 ] , which had been repeatedly violated .
9 In August 1991 the Security Council addressed the question of lifting the sanctions affecting sales of Iraqi crude oil , at last giving effect to what was envisaged in Resolution 688 .
10 The UN Security Council imposed an air and arms embargo on Libya last year in an effort to force the surrender of two men suspected of blowing up the American airliner over Lockerbie in 1988 .
11 An attempt by Iraq 's Oil Minister Usumah Abd al-Razzaq Hummadi al-Hithi to persuade ministers to issue a formal request to the UN Security Council to lift the oil embargo on Iraq was rejected after being opposed by Saudi Arabia and Kuwait .
12 On Sept. 14 the UN Security Council accepted the recommendation from Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali to expand the UN Protection Force ( UNPROFOR ) by up to 6,000 ( in addition to the 1,500 already in Bosnia-Hercegovina and 15,000 in Croatia ) to protect aid destined for civilians .
13 The Security Council took a position on the broader issue of Libyan sponsorship of " terrorist groups " , noting that the " suppression of acts of international terrorism … is essential for the maintenance of international peace and security " .
14 I very much welcome the fact that the Security Council authorised the dispatch of a preliminary team .
15 On Nov. 30 the UN Security Council announced the imposition of trade sanctions from Dec. 31 , 1992 , on Cambodian regions controlled by the Khmers Rouges .
16 On Jan. 25 , however , the Security Council deferred a debate on the Gulf crisis , after a majority agreed that Iraq should first comply with all UN resolutions .
17 Boutros-Ghali on July 22 recommended that the UN Security Council reject a ceasefire plan negotiated on July 17 in London .
18 Resolution 733 started with the words : ‘ Considering the request by Somalia for the Security Council to consider the situation in Somalia . ’
19 Three days later the UN Security Council approved a resolution , without a vote , which recommended membership for both states .
20 On Aug. 28 the UN Security Council approved a resolution ordering the deployment of a further 3,000 armed UN troops in the country .
21 In December 1990 the UN Security Council approved the termination of the Trust status for the FSM .
22 In December 1990 the UN Security Council approved the termination of its Trusteeship in relation to the Marshalls [ see p. 37920 ] , and the country joined the UN in September 1991 [ see p. 38458 ] .
23 On May 20 the UN Security Council approved the creation of the UN Observers for El Salvador ( Onusal ) — a 170-member team which from July 1 would monitor any agreement reached on human rights .
24 Meanwhile on Oct. 13 the UN Security Council endorsed a proposal from Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali to appoint an interim Special Representative for Mozambique and to dispatch 25 military observers .
25 The United States is asking the U N security council to authorize a stop and search operation against ships heading for Haiti .
26 The declaration concluded that " an international peacekeeping force under UN auspices may be created by the UN Security Council to maintain the ceasefire , control military movements and undertake other confidence-building measures " .
27 ( As well as Ghozali the High Security Council included the Defence Minister , Maj.-Gen.
28 On April 2 Özal had issued an urgent appeal to the UN Security Council to discuss an emergency aid package for an estimated 250,000 Kurdish refugees along the Iraqi-Turkish border ; 10,000 refugees were reported already to have crossed into Turkey .
29 The Americans decided that an armed resistance was necessary and they went to the United Nations , shades of Bosnia here , they went to the United Nations to get support and , as luck would have it , the Soviets were sulking , this was quite common in the nineteen forties and fifties , and the a the Soviet ambassador to the U N was having a sulk and was refusing to attend the Security Council and he therefore persuaded the Security Council to pass a resolution er producing a United Nations force to aid plucky little South Korea against its vicious oppressive northern neighbours and so the Korean war started and the United Nations ' forces were commanded by one General Douglas MacArthur , General Douglas MacArthur , in case you do n't know , won the second world war single handedly
30 On Jan. 6 the UN Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 726 which " strongly condemned " the issuing of the deportation order , and the Security Council reaffirmed the applicability of the 1949 Fourth Geneva Convention on the protection of civilians in the time of war to all the Palestinian territories occupied by Israel since 1967 , including Jerusalem .
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