Example sentences of "face [prep] the [adj] direction " in BNC.

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1 Achieve the effect by having a number of loudspeakers at lowish level , preferably facing in the same direction .
2 To achieve a broadloom effect , lay the tiles with e arrows facing in the same direction .
3 All the figures , some of them cloaked like witches , were facing in the same direction — away from Maisie and Robert .
4 Angel One landed lightly alongside the still twitching body of his victim and immediately re-aligned his fighting stance , facing in the opposite direction to meet the next attack .
5 Fiona : They are facing in the wrong direction .
6 You 're not doing anything with your life because as usual you 're facing in the wrong direction and going the wrong way .
7 After about 100,000 years or so , the needle of the compass would abruptly become unstable and then swing round to face in the opposite direction , so that what was once compass north would become compass south , and vice versa .
8 To turn around from the forward stance to face in the opposite direction , adopt the standard forward stance , and then move the right foot about half a shoulder 's width to the left , pivoting on the left foot and maintaining balance .
9 They tended to face north and west when they should have faced south and east , because they were there to be looked at , not to be looked from , and the windows of the mansion faced in the contrary direction .
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