Example sentences of "accord [prep] the [adj] view " in BNC.

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1 According to the second view , inspiration was mantic possession : the divine afflatus took over the voice of prophet or prophetess , and employed the human agent as a musician plays a lyre which has no mind of its own .
2 The matter of fiction , in any case , given that it aims at realism , does not readily divide according to the classic view .
3 In this way , the criminal law is used to ensure that the society is a fair and just one , according to the prevailing view of those terms at the time .
4 According to the latter view , scientific knowledge grows continuously as more numerous and more various observations are made , enabling new concepts to be formed , old ones to be refined , and new lawful relationships between them to be discovered .
5 According to the first view , inspiration is an enhancement of natural , rational discernment , not a suspension or abolition .
6 Leaving aside the commitment to the ‘ duties ’ of the new ‘ Union Citizens ’ ( which the genuinely non-Federalists in the British party presumably dismissed as ‘ meaningless generality ’ ) , the main text , according to the British view , was concerned with economic matters .
7 What , then , are the implications of an increase in the money supply according to the Keynesian view of the demand for money ?
8 ‘ Active citizenship ’ , according to the Conservative view , should include taking responsibility in the community through activities such as serving as a school governor or a magistrate , running Neighbourhood Watch schemes , and doing voluntary work of various sorts .
9 According to the Copernican view , the earth is not stationary at the centre of the universe but orbits the sun along with the planets .
10 According to the classical view , poetic style is purely decorative , playing no part in communication other than to please the hearer 's aesthetic sense.9 However , this view implies that figurative utterances may be paraphrased without loss of meaning , and as , for example , Coleridge ( 1906 : 263 ) points out , once it is recognised that " language is framed to convey not the object alone , but likewise the character , mood and intentions of the person representing it " , then it should not be surprising that the test of a " blameless style " is its " untranslatableness in words of the same language without injury to the meaning " .
11 According to the Marxist view , a class is a group of persons with a common relationship to the means of production and so is defined in all societies in economic terms .
12 According to the Marxist view of bureaucracy , this is indeed the case in capitalist systems .
13 According to the Christian view , celibacy and marriage are equally valuable .
14 According to the Greek view of education , especially the view associated with Plato , the only study that was honourable and respectable was that of mathematics or other equally pure and abstract subjects , such as the theory of harmony and astronomy , or philosophy .
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