Example sentences of "establish itself [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was on the basis of this document that the Roman Church asserted its prerogative to create kings , as well as to establish itself as a temporal authority .
2 In time , academic anthropology became less directly associated with evolutionary ideas , and it tried to establish itself as a respectable , if not conservative , branch of the social sciences .
3 The struggle of American sociology to establish itself as a distinct ‘ scientific ’ discipline dominates the early reactions to Mannheim 's work .
4 In the US , for example , where the socialist party failed to establish itself as a major party after a fairly rapid growth in the first decade of this century , it has long been argued that the presidential system is a major obstacle to the development of third parties , and undoubtedly these constitutional factors have been important ; but it is clear that many other social and economic characteristics of the US have had a preponderant influence in determining the absence of a large-scale independent socialist movement or party there ( Sombart , 1906 ; Laslett and Lipset , 1974 ) .
5 One of the first kennels to establish itself as a consistent winner in the show ring was the Tankerville Kennel .
6 This suggests that while entry to the eurobond market is easy , it is more difficult for a firm to establish itself as a dominant player .
7 In Azerbaijan the Nagorno-Karabakh autonomous region voted to establish itself as an independent republic with the support of 99.9 per cent of those who took part in a referendum on the matter , and applied to join the newly-established Commonwealth of Independent States ; Azerbaijan , for its part , voted to abolish the region entirely , renamed its capital city and placed the whole area under the control of a military governor .
8 Yet it is a testimony to the strength of party during this period that the Court , despite the resources of patronage at its disposal , largely failed to establish itself as an independent interest .
9 It was , however , also a period when complete adult suffrage was achieved , and in which a political consensus was built up that enabled the Labour Party to establish itself alongside the older parties , so that an element of working-class power developed without turning into a revolutionary force .
10 The strength of a social institutional ideal , however , is not that it always attains its stated objectives , but that it establishes itself as the desirable norm .
11 THE development of Britain 's atomic power programme could be resurrected under plans being considered by British Nuclear Fuels which is looking at the feasibility of establishing itself as a major player in the post-privatisation electricity market .
12 Frequently the French company seeks to take over second tier United States enterprises already established in Europe with a view to establishing itself as a mainstream European producer .
13 Eventual likelihood of a new equilibrium establishing itself as a new élite does and as police methods lose their novelty ; in absence of market-style reforms , balance of incentives apt to remain negative .
14 ‘ We produce extruded sheet to complement our cell cast range , ’ says Dr Casey , ‘ And have reently introduced a new variety — ‘ Perspex ’ TW — which is rapidly establishing itself as a rigid transparent building material for roofs and non-structural walls . ’
15 Unlike their predecessors they were at home in French , now establishing itself as the pre-eminent diplomatic language , and cultivated contacts with foreigners .
16 Government critics predicted that violence would now escalate , arguing that Fujimori had played into the hands of Sendero , which had long wished to provoke a military coup in the hope of establishing itself as the sole democratic force opposed to a repressive government .
17 The third case resulted from the willingness and need of the firm to take work from any source while it was establishing itself in a new market .
18 by no means the first place to be discovered , it soon established itself as a maritime port of central importance to Canada 's growing economy ; though it commenced as a Jesuit mission-place , which explains its ethereal qualities .
19 CUCGA intends within five years to have ( i ) established relations with the media , Government Departments , Members of both Houses of Parliament and other bodies with an interest in higher education ; ( ii ) established itself as a campaigning body on behalf of graduate organisations ; ( iii ) opened its membership to encompass all university convocations and analogous bodies in the UK ; ( iv ) established methods of funding to allow it to support its expanded role ; ( v ) developed a comprehensive portfolio of policy issues upon which it can actively and publicly campaign at appropriate times .
20 The company reckons that it maintained its position as the leading supplier of computers to UK education , and established itself as an important supplier to the home market , and made good progress in Australia and New Zealand through the subsidiaries there .
21 It was perhaps to be expected that during this post-independence period TANU and its politicians in Parliament would want to see the nation establish itself in a symbolic sense .
22 The back to nursing movement has established itself over the past five years , partly in response to a national shortage of qualified staff , and partly as a result of the UKCC 's stated commitment to introduce mandatory updating programmes for nurses and health visitors returning to practice after a specified minimum break in service .
23 It brought us to a stage of development when , with a student population of almost 5000 , the university has established itself as a viable , innovative , vibrant and mature institution .
24 The reformed parliament with temporarily appointed deputies has already established itself as a genuine decision-making legislature .
25 The first of these documents is likely to appear before any published part of the government 's review , and will amount to advice to government on what arrangements the government should make for R&D to best meet national needs Giving ACARD this job as a formal duty is a mark that the Council has established itself as a key body in reviewing and stimulating new industrial technologies .
26 In only its third year of operating the three and a half mile branch between Bodmin General and Bodmin Parkway , the B & W has established itself as a major leisure attraction and is building a reputation as one of the more progressive preserved railways in the country .
27 Project English has quickly established itself as a leading new course , with an important contribution to make to English language teaching .
28 And of course has established itself as a leading player in this industry .
29 It has continued to grow and expand and has since established itself as a permanent base for experimentation with education in health based on Primary Health Care principles .
30 This particular project began in Liverpool in 1976 and has established itself as a national model for radical working-class adult education .
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