Example sentences of "stay [adv] for [art] week " in BNC.

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1 And er I do do n't know which day it was but she was sitting there fed up second day I 'm thinking she said well I , I 'm going home tomorrow , so I said no you 're staying in for the week !
2 He came out of the clinic on 19 March having stayed there for a week longer than he had anticipated , and was once again forced to rest .
3 The saddles are neat and trim , and stay there for a week to ten days .
4 Right now she 'd like nothing better than to climb into bed and stay there for a week , sleeping her troubles away .
5 They 're especially pleased because artists of Springsteen 's stature normally head straight for Wembley and stay there for a week .
6 She 's not like thirty four weeks and the baby 's only twenty six and she 's got to stay in for a week at Southwood , then come home weekends and go back in .
7 We stayed in for a week
8 I stayed there for a week in January and for once I found myself in the overworked brochure cliche : Marrakech is a city of contrasts and a fascinating blend of the old and new .
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