Example sentences of "draw attention to [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Northwick Park study drew attention to a relationship between duration of untreated illness before first admissions and the probability of relapse ( Macmillan et al. , 1986 ) .
2 In her article on British arts funding ( The Art Newspaper No. 17 , March 1992 , pp.1 2 ) Giulia Ajmone Marsan drew attention to a threat from a Tory Minister for Arts to the Arts Council 's freedom from political control .
3 Two weeks ago , the rector was talking about the unity of the body of Christ in the church ; as he spoke , he drew attention to a review of a new book by the Regius professor of theology at Oxford .
4 But in February last year , Dr Helen Zeitlin , a consultant haematologist at Redditch , was sacked when she drew attention to a report on nursing shortage and the acute distress caused thereby .
5 The final report of the Royal Commission on the Distribution of Income and Wealth drew attention to the stability in the distribution of income in the post-war period .
6 In my letter dated 3rd February 93 to your predecessor I drew attention to the road works on the west side of Gubberford Lane Scorton just south of the railway bridge .
7 There was also an increased emphasis on productivity and better educational standards , which drew attention to the existence of people who could not look after themselves or sustain a normal education .
8 Even in 1954 , Beresford drew attention to the existence of shrunken villages , where , despite the continued presence of a church , shop , pub ,
9 Following Broca 's ( 1861 , 1865 ) analyses of aphasia in right.handed patients who had sustained lesions of the left frontal lobe , Jackson ( 1868 ) drew attention to the case of a left handed patient who had become aphasic following a presumed right.sided lesion .
10 The first drew attention to the position of deaf and dumb inmates of Poor Law Institutions and called for an enquiry into numbers involved and the best method of dealing with them .
11 The findings drew attention to the contrast between the teacher-initiated models of ‘ group work ’ which at the time offered the only practical insights and guidance available in the literature ( e.g. Barnes and Todd 1977 , Tann 1981 , Biott and Clough 1983 , Slavin 1983 , Johnson et al .
12 Ashton too has created two oriental styled ballets in which the delicacy of the hands and arms drew attention to the way such subtle movements can take the place of words .
13 We also drew attention to the way some councils , notably Monmouth BC , allowed barn conversions to dwellings .
14 It may have been this group Professor Ashton had in mind when he drew attention to the way in which London banks played a role in making available the " savings of agriculturalists ' to provide " much of the investment in manufacture " .
15 The bureaucratization of the party was first made a target of criticism by Trotsky , who drew attention to the way that , under Stalin , the party functionaries rather than its representative elements had come to control the party and how these functionaries had become indistinguishable in their political interests from the functionaries of the state apparatus .
16 He drew attention to the size of England in terms of population and geography .
17 I can not answer for other members of the United Nations , but in our meeting last week I certainly drew attention to the necessity for ensuring that the United Nations had the right financial and material aid to complete the tasks that we have set it .
18 The hon. Member for Livingston drew attention to the behaviour of previous Secretaries of State in this regard .
19 Mr Humphreys also drew attention to the installation of a new magnetic body scanner at the Yarm Road Industrial Estate in Darlington .
20 The Select Committee drew attention to the under-reporting of accidents in the oil industry .
21 Under Resolution 45/149 of Dec. 18 the Assembly unanimously condemned the involvement of children in the use , production and distribution of illicit drugs and drew attention to the lack of financial resources to combat drug abuse worldwide .
22 His memorandum , delivered on 9 January 1939 , repeated previous arguments and drew attention to the weakness of the Labour League of Youth and the difficulty of gaining a majority at the next General Election .
23 Beattie herself drew attention to the contribution of women sculptors such as Gwendolen Williams , Ellen Mary Rope and Ruby Levick , particularly in the production of statuettes , an art form crucial to the aesthetic development of the New Sculpture .
24 During March the Northern Ireland office drew attention to the discussion papers and issued advertisements which included the following :
25 Abrams ( Bulmer , 1986 ) drew attention to the complexity of the concept ; many who are perceived as altruistic will themselves acknowledge the profound satisfaction which they derive from their supposedly selfless activities but find it difficult to put this into words .
26 A magnified detail drew attention to the skin ; although I could not understand the symbols appended , it looked as if the idea was that the outer skin should have less sensibility , by the withdrawal of nerves and capilliary blood-vessels from the outer layers of the epidermis — in fact , that a sort of hide should develop over the flesh which would render its owner fairly immune to extremes of temperature .
27 During our Pre-Campaign Wave Thatcher 's visit to Moscow and Kinnock 's to Washington drew attention to the issue .
28 In its ruling , however , the IWT also drew attention to the issue of energy use per se : " ( Environmental ) procedures and the generation of ever more information on impacts do not help avoid the essential issue that industrialized countries should reduce their wasteful energy consumption , rather than enlarging the capacity to create energy " .
29 Pickfords marketing man Andrew Jones drew attention to the company 's discounting policy , operating until the end of February , and put forward three options .
30 The report also drew attention to the state aid being offered by some countries to larger industries , estimating that the total had reached ECU83,300 million in 1990 , or 2.8 per cent of the EC 's total economy .
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