Example sentences of "plan for [art] development [prep] " in BNC.

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1 On the morning I met Tim Waters to talk about Thresher 's plans for the development of its off-licences , few customers corresponded to the anticipated profile .
2 He had already , in April 1965 , made a speech in Woolwich on plans for the development of higher education .
3 Although European railway executives see British rail traffic as important , it is quite clear that it is not crucial to plans for the development of a European network which will proceed whatever happens on the other side of the Channel .
4 Implementation of plans for the development of local services for mentally handicapped people in the West Essex District , and the closure of Essex Hall .
5 Land with the benefit of detailed planning approval will normally provide purchasers with the advantage of detailed plans for the development of a site .
6 Local authorities will produce and public clear plans for the development of community care services in their areas .
7 Plans for the development of KRA and the previously discovered KG are under review .
8 The imposition of a war economy has frozen plans for the development of manufacturing , and shortages of electricity , spare parts and labour have disrupted existing industries .
9 Democrat policy on energy includes plans for the development of alternative energy sources and a reduction in dependence on imported oil .
10 It will provide an opportunity for us to explain and present our plans for the development of the community health service as an NHS Trust . ’
11 Doubtless he had his own reasons for stopping off at the island — my own were to attend a workshop aimed at formulating a scientific plan for the development of the archipelago over the next two decades .
12 Thanks to the enthusiasm of the workers and the widespread emulation movement in the sphere of production , the two year plan for the development of national economy is being successfully fulfilled …
13 Prepare a business plan for the development of commercially related activities .
14 The determination of this strategy , a positive plan for the development of information systems , is a particularly important role of the systems planning team and is discussed separately in the next section .
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