Example sentences of "after the first world war " in BNC.

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1 After the First World War she added ice-cream to her stock-in-trade , and soon she was able to buy the shop outright .
2 Thus , the 1784 election led to 17 unbroken years of Pitt as prime minister ; after the First World War the coalition stayed on in name but the Conservatives won 335 seats in 1918 ; Churchill 's Great Coalition presaged the Labour landslide of 1945 and the iniquities of the Lib-Lab Pact were a major factor in Mrs Thatcher 's victory in 1979 .
3 After the First World War Binding rejoined the family business .
4 After the First World War Letters of Credit became commonplace as payment instruments to facilitate international trade .
5 Neither he nor Charlotte had intended to stay there long , But they continued renting the house for fourteen years , and after the First World War they bought it — after which it became known as Shaw 's Corner .
6 He was a Fellow of New College from 1930 to 1937 , when the Warden was H. A. L. Fisher who had been President of the Board of Education under Lloyd George during and after the First World War ( and who deserves a book to himself ) .
7 Ian and I were particularly impressed with the half-submerged hulks of the Imperial German Navy , scuttled by their crews on 21 June 1919 , after the First World War .
8 After the First World War some Kerries were exported to France to help repopulate areas which had been decimated by war and the small black cattle were given prime grazing in orchard meadows near the River Somme ; within nine months they looked like beef animals !
9 After the First World War , the Cassel had almost completely vanished and its remnants were absorbed into the Furnes-Ambacht .
10 After the First World War the town thrived briefly , but in later decades achieved a near-dormitory state , having been discovered by couples wishing to retire from the frenetic life in the larger urban conurbations .
11 After the First World War he joined a ‘ change-nightly ’ repertory company , appeared regularly at the Grand Theatre , Southampton , and later formed his own touring company before specialising in one-man shows drawn from the works of Charles Dickens .
12 After the First World War the Midland continued to expand by opening branches , and by 1939 it had 2,100 .
13 For hundreds of years Svalbard had been a ‘ no-man's-land , ’ but after the First World War Norway was granted sovereignty and the Norwegian flag was hoisted on 14th August 1925 .
14 After the First World War Great Britain again struck hockey gold , their side including C.T.A. Wilkinson , who was captain of Surrey when Percy Fender made his debut .
15 Although modern America and Western Europe , as well as Russia and Eastern Europe , are different in some respects from the type of society with which Freud was familiar before and after the First World War , there is still great value in Freud 's conceptualizations for understanding some problems in these societies .
16 By that time , higher real wages allowed ordinary families to rent more spacious and better equipped accommodation ( 95 per cent of households rented until after the First World War ) and encouraged builders to improve quality .
17 In fact , the rise of separatist and ethnic agitations is partly due to the fact that , contrary to common belief , the principle of state-creation since the second world war , unlike that after the first world war , had nothing to do with Wilsonian national self-determination .
18 After the first world war the line became part of the Southern Railway and on summer Saturdays special trains hauled by massive locomotives brought hundreds of holiday-makers from London and the North .
19 After the First World War the term ‘ regional planning ’ was used extensively , the new practice representing a significant extension to planning practice .
20 After the First World War the voluntary hospitals faced a severe and growing financial crisis .
21 Beckmann was a latecomer to modernism ; it was not until after the First World War that he turned noticeably to the sharply outlined Expressionism that came to typify his work .
22 There there was the message of Marcus Garvey , whose writings and activities before and after the First World War laid the foundations of what became Black Power .
23 After the First World War the coverage of unemployment insurance was extended and a contributory pension scheme was introduced .
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