Example sentences of "settle himself [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Daak spent a few minutes kicking the remains of the pilot out of the front of the cockpit , and then settled himself into the pilot 's bucket seat and swivelled lazily from side to side , waiting for the women .
2 He settled himself on the sofa as he always did , looking fit and rested as he eyed her speculatively .
3 As she opened her drawing-pad , Julius settled himself on the grass , his back propped up against one of the stones .
4 The Woman gave him one look and then switched off the light and Doyle settled himself in the chair and sat silently in the shadows .
5 Caitlin settled himself in the chair .
6 ‘ Right , ’ he said as he settled himself in the chair .
7 Warden asked the question as he settled himself behind the wheel .
8 He settled himself behind the wheel , pulled the door shut and looked up at Turner through the open window .
9 Curtis settled himself behind the wheel and laid the empty can on the passenger seat .
10 It was obvious that this was where Harry Mack had settled himself for the night .
11 Harry had settled himself for the night and then felt the need for a drink of water .
12 Courteously seating her inside the car first , he walked round to the driver 's side , and when he had settled himself behind the wheel asked unexpectedly , ‘ Have you visited one of our pubs yet ? ’
13 He just settles himself into the cushion of the rear seat and waits for me to speak .
14 Eric settles himself on the oche .
15 Asked whether he shared Vera 's doubts about progress since the collapse of the communist regime , Ladislav lights another cigarette and settles himself at the table : ‘ A lot of the intellectuals are unhappy that the so-called ‘ transition' ’ is taking so long .
16 ‘ This train , ’ he said , settling himself into the armchair and indicating the facilities for me , ‘ is a triumph of diplomacy , eh ? ’
17 She was aware of him settling himself on the floor in the corner by the bench , then stiffened when he picked up one of her finished pieces .
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