Example sentences of "anything less than [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Their mechanical problems merely require diligent examination , but stress levels are high and because a helicopter 's wing must rotate to maintain lift it is terribly unforgiving of anything less than good design , careful maintenance and skilful piloting .
2 The round still proves the soundest of methods : even given limited rehearsal time , there was much security in the warm-up sequence , a point surprisingly made with This Little Babe from Britten 's A Ceremony Of Carols , and by the time we reached Runswick 's final party ensemble not a single face on stage I could see registered anything less than complete involvement .
3 To advocate a policy of anything less than unlimited release of all information as soon as the investigator has discovered it represents heresy to the media , giving rise to accusations of cover-up and officials being excessively secretive , while the legal profession are liable to take on a more aggressive attitude by suggesting incompetence and serving subpoenae requiring the compulsory production of evidence in court .
4 The continuing popularity of the 6 hour course was encouraging because for many of the course subjects anything less than this time could leave trainees disappointed that all aspects of the programme were either not covered or covered too quickly .
5 He 'd feel anything less than full fig would be an insult to the Old Man . ’
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