Example sentences of "reason for dismiss the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Parking problems and noise in the mainly residential area around Darlington Memorial hospital , where the development would have taken place , were given as the main reasons for dismissing the appeal by Surrey-based Bioplan .
2 That the Serbs are bound to object is not , of course , a good reason for dismissing the idea .
3 Nor is the fact that a document is biased a reason for dismissing the document as worthless or unreliable .
4 If then there is no adequate improvement in the attendance record , it is likely that in most cases the employer will be justified in treating the persistent absences as a sufficient reason for dismissing the employee .
5 The tribunal is required to determine whether the employer acted reasonably or unreasonably in treating the established reason for dismissal as sufficient reason for dismissing the employee , having regard to equity and the substantial merits of the case and to the size and administrative resources of the employer 's undertaking .
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