Example sentences of "carry [adv prt] in [art] early " in BNC.

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1 Also in deference to their preferences , the building was carried out in the Early English Gothic style , its structural brickwork being faced externally with Kentish ragstone dressed with Bath stone at corners and door and window openings .
2 The first is much larger : 444 interviews carried out in the early 1970s .
3 However , this did not turn out to be such a cheap solution in the long run , since it set up conditions of even greater instability , necessitating repeated operations every two years.5 Major work on the river Taff and the river Usk in South Wales , carried out in the early 1980s , has precipitated extensive and unforeseen repair bills .
4 Blood-typing studies of ten European breeds carried out in the early 1980s showed that the genetic distance was closer between the South Devon and the yellow Gelbvieh of central Germany , or the South Devon and the Swiss Brown , than between the South Devon and the Hereford .
5 Routine maintenance work is often carried out in the early hours at the centre when workmen can avoid causing disruption to shoppers .
6 It was a pleasure to discover that it had escaped the sort of wholesale restoration so commonly carried out in the earlier part of this century .
7 This initiative originated in the work carried out in the earlier SSRC initiative , Young People in Society ( YPS ) .
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