Example sentences of "carry [adv prt] [art] study [prep] " in BNC.

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1 THE Government is to carry out a study into the number of children injured in fireworks accidents .
2 Will he urge the chairman to carry out a study of the economics of mining anthracite from small drift mines employing up to 75 people because many believe that mined in that way , anthracite could be extremely saleable and competitive in relation to both opencast operations and imports of Chinese coal ?
3 This project aims to carry out a study of policy thinking at the elite level in Britain and America .
4 Following intervention by Dee and Clwyd flood defence committee , the Countryside Council for Wales decided to defer notification and to carry out a study of the site .
5 The ‘ potentate ’ may have to be interviewed to obtain permission and goodwill to carry out a study in the institution he controls , such as a factory , office , school or youth club .
6 Middlesbrough Council has appointed Colin Buchanan and Partners , together with housing specialists Pieda , to carry out the study as part of the five-year City Challenge scheme .
7 The project will also donate funds to Cambridge University , which is carrying out a study into ways of protecting the flora and fauna of the Indonesian rain forests .
8 In 1981 , Unruh carried out a study of database user aids which includes a list of examples .
9 However , when Seebohm Rowntree carried out a study of York in 1899 , defining and measuring poverty more precisely than Booth had done , his findings were startlingly similar .
10 Feldstein and Flemming ( 1971 ) carried out a study of investment in all the major industrial sectors of the UK , using as their interest rate variable a weighted average of equity and debenture yields .
11 At NISW , Hearn carried out a study into the provision of care in Iowa , America .
12 After nine years of working with elderly people over 65 and coming across cases of physical abuse without a definition or context , she carried out a study between 1988 and 1989 .
13 While Moorat 's study shows that older patients are especially prone to accidents in a general hospital , Blake & Morfitt ( 1986 ) carried out a study in a residential home .
14 Ford et al ( 1986 ) carried out a study in a psychiatric setting in the USA arising from their concern that many confused elderly people , particularly those in advanced stages of Alzheimer 's disease , did not respond to verbal communication and staff found it difficult to understand their attempts at communicating .
15 When the European Parliament 's regional policy committee last carried out a study in Northern Ireland it produced the Martin report , which resulted in £63m for housing , he added .
16 This project carries out a study of the electorate , designed to be a continuation of the uninterrupted series of academic studies started by Butler and Stokes in the 1960s , taken up by Sarlvik and Crewe throughout the 1970s , and by the present investigators in 1983 .
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