Example sentences of "stand alone [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She stepped into the cockpit , picked her way across it , and went to stand alone on the weapons platform .
2 I did not see her again until during the afternoon lessons , when I noticed that she had been sent to stand alone in the middle of the schoolroom .
3 By deliberately writing from a male point of view , Tanith Lee is able to explore the fear and loathing that underpins the traditional male characterisation of the woman who stands alone outside the pale of family and community life ; such women are designated bitch , whore or dyke .
4 Kirk Douglas in the title role finally stands alone on the battlefield in the midst of his dead troops , and exposed to the arrows of the Indians who circle round him .
5 Tattered and torn , Cari stands alone on the stage .
6 Tattered and torn , Cari stands alone on the stage .
7 For the more technically minded , the new Baltoro Windstopper jacket stands alone in the market .
8 As Damian spoke to them now , Katya and Lydia both glanced up to see Rachel standing alone on the dance area in her white bridal gown , watching Damian with intense passion in her green eyes .
9 Two miles or so to the south lies the village of Stockerston , now shrunk almost to a hamlet , with its attractive Perpendicular church standing alone on the hillside — a sure sign of some interesting change in village history .
10 He felt triumphant and at peace , standing alone with the world spread out at his feet , hearing only the faint howl of the wind and the thunder of his own blood .
11 It started with William standing alone in the middle of a street in a typical medieval city .
12 He was standing alone in the middle of the bridge .
13 Five minutes later they had gone and Melissa was standing alone in the middle of the courtyard , wondering what to do next .
14 Eachuinn Odhar was standing alone in the bows , one hand on the high dragonhead that was no more rigid than himself , staring forward after the grey veils of rain that swept past and away ahead .
15 That 's the difficult part of the job , not the analysis but standing alone in the witness-box to defend it under cross-examination .
16 It is then that all hell has broken loose and we have found ourselves standing alone in the jungle again .
17 The two women putting finishing touches to the buffet supper turned as one , surprise in the smiles they gave the slender figure standing alone in the doorway .
18 The place which seems above all to encapsulate the spirit of the Derwent Ings is Aughton church , standing alone in the marshlands , its churchyard lapped by floods each winter and haunted by the bubbling call of the curlew in spring .
19 Bert said he was tired , but she followed him , and found him standing alone in the room he had shared with Pat .
20 Standing alone in the room , with his wife 's glare enshrined on his right and the King , in riding-trousers and tunic , occupying the whole of a high-backed chair on the left , made Bishop Malduin feel isolated and unsure .
21 The door was open and she saw Juliette standing alone by the table with a tray-load of crockery in her hands .
22 With that , they walked off together to class and left me standing alone by the gates .
23 While that wo n't please some of his backbenchers , others will breath a sigh of relief that at least Britain will no longer seem to be standing alone against the rest of the community .
24 He drove out past the graveyard where he 'd stood alone in the wind and hurt .
25 A quarter of an hour later he stood alone at the edge of the High Street with as little notion of his next steps as a soldier discharged in Madras with the whole of India , Arabia , and Africa lying between him and his homeland .
26 We stood alone on the quayside at Lochmaddy .
27 I stood alone on the beach next to the elaborate italics of Oliver ( the others had done capitals , of course ) , and I looked up towards the camera , and Stuart shouted ‘ Cheese ! ’ and Gillian shouted ‘ Gorgonzola ! ’ and Stu shouted ‘ Camembert ! ’ and Gillian shouted ‘ Dolcelatte ! ’ and suddenly I had this crying fit .
28 Clasper stood alone on the box , clasping a hand microphone to his ranting mouth .
29 The Glovers stood alone on the bridge and watched the terns .
30 Endill noticed there was no wall on either side of them and they stood alone in the middle of the grass .
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