Example sentences of "allow to stay [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The corrective operation could not be undertaken until the child was three months old , and the doctor recommended that the child should be allowed to stay at the hospital until she was due for surgery , her condition producing difficulties in feeding .
2 Relatives should be allowed to stay with the resident throughout this time so that they are not left alone .
3 Gordon Durie , suffering from double vision , was allowed to stay on the park and then missed the game 's two clearest openings .
4 And with a mass of highly critical evidence built up against him , chief executive Venables faces a mammoth task in trying to persuade the court he should be allowed to stay on the board despite his sacking on May 14 .
5 Surprise has been expressed in some quarters that Mr Zilligen has been allowed to stay on the Ferranti board given his key role at ISC during the £215m deception .
6 The appeals court ruling greatly reduces the chances that Peter McMullen , who claims he will be killed by the IRA if he is deported to Britain , will be allowed to stay in the United States .
7 Beatrice pointed out that Christian Turks , Orthodox Turks , Catholics Turks and Armenian Turks were allowed to stay in the country .
8 Anne had wondered what would happen now to Margaret and Molly and if they would be allowed to stay in the house , but Margaret confided that the death of the Misses Dolan had solved a problem for her .
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