Example sentences of "able to return [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 With the increase in the number of people having their own transport , those who have left the area are able to return for the show .
2 An armada of small private boats and a flotilla of naval vessels sailed to the rescue ; more than three hundred and fifty thousand men were saved , men who were able to return to the battle against Hitler 's armies in Europe and Africa .
3 Maybe I would never be able to return to the present — not that I cared just then .
4 Furthermore , he contests , costs at the company have gone up for the simple reason that it has moved into different areas of activity — IBM simply made the mistake of trying to be ‘ all things to all people ’ , and so will never be able to return to the profit levels of the mid-1980s .
5 Taking a firm stand against her own silliness definitely helped , and she was able to return to the veranda holding the kit in steady hands and wearing a cheerful smile .
6 In February 1340 Edward himself came back to secure what his commissaries had failed to get , but only in May was he able to return to the continent assured of a grant .
7 The ostrich , on the other hand , will eventually be able to return to the spot it knows so well , where it can resume its parental duties .
8 Herodotus 's Histories and Aeschylus 's Agamemnon serve as touchstones for Brooke-Rose 's novel , for in going back to the classical period , it is able to return to the point at which these distinctions began to be associated with different ways of talking and writing attributed to fact and to fiction .
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