Example sentences of "lead [prep] [art] better [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Set up a subsidiary planning task to simulate a search for a path starting at N , leading to a better state
2 The CDP considered the paper from its Academic Affairs Committee , and agreed that ‘ the CNAA should be informed that the CDP did not wish to accept the form of partnership proposed in the discussion document ’ : the notion of a different approach leading to a better form of partnership should be explored .
3 Much is being discovered about the nature of bacteria and viruses , and the physiology of cells , leading to a better understanding of the control of host cell function and to development of more effective chemotherapy .
4 A comparison of the proportionality of first preference votes and seats in the Convention election is of interest because investigation of the differences leads to a better understanding of the working of the system .
5 The intersection of the appropriate output characteristic with the output load line then gives a good approximation to which in turn leads to a better value of from the input characteristics and input load line .
6 This conclusion is not a bad thing , for it leads to a better match between deviance and prominence .
7 Aminopterin had disadvantages , and the normal process of making and testing a series of closely related compounds led to a better drug , amethopterin , which differed by a single additional substituent but proved to be one of the most effective drugs for the treatment of blood cancers .
8 Detailed observations , at considerable personal risk , and comparisons with his studies of Alpine avalanches , led to a better understanding of pyroclastic flows — fast-moving , destructive avalanches of hot gas and rock particles .
9 I believe that this would lead to a better service and improved facilities for the public .
10 It will lead to a better choice of candidates and ensure that more women and candidates from minority ethnic communities are elected .
11 It would also lead to a better use of the skills of social workers , psychiatric nurses , physicians , and psychiatrists .
12 This should lead to a better quality of grape in the following season .
13 I thought it was very interesting indeed all the information , and obviously I think one question is which schools are now going to be called in that were n't here before , and will that lead to a better distribution of collection points across the city ?
14 I think the competition between the IoT and the Tax Faculty will lead to a better examination system for the IoT .
15 Full discussion will lead to a better understanding of the patient .
16 ‘ Staff in charge of establishments where violence is a problem , to the extent that the police are likely to be called upon to assist from time to time , should establish a relationship with the police which will lead to a better understanding of each other 's problems and responsibilities .
17 Quite apart from the help to me , I think it would be of benefit to the Society to encourage research , which would inevitably lead to a better understanding of the BCR 's difficulties and the important part it played in the district 's life .
18 All of this will lead to a better understanding of the dynamics of the overseas market and an improvement in the overall sales strategy .
19 Goal attainment is also improved in the long run : leadership development among the clients is a goal by itself , and the strengthening of client independence will lead to the better preservation of any other outputs achieved .
20 Additionally however , we need to make it clear that when we have looked at the figures and I would pay some to the opposition for bringing er some matters to our attention , erm and looking at the way in which very , very careful on the part of this council has led to a better reserve position than we would previously have expected .
21 A list of deadlines and responsibilities was drawn up and agreed between the two departments and this has led to a better understanding of each others tasks and the benefits of compliance .
22 New techniques and organization of land may have led to a better diet .
23 Reform is not just a sensible course which could , with some pain , lead to a better life for everyone , as in Hungary .
24 Volunteers bring skills that complement those of the tutor , lead to a better student/tutor ratio , and facilitate the teaching of individuals with idiosyncratic needs .
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