Example sentences of "already begun [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But it was the scientist alone who could make sense of the discoveries , and late eighteenth-century naturalists had already begun to puzzle over the bones of gigantic elephant-like creatures found both in America and in Europe .
2 House prices have already begun to fall across the country with the most recent statistics showing the Midlands and the North joining London and the South-east .
3 In the United States , prompted by new legal rights to challenge developments on environmental grounds , critics of nuclear power had already begun to object to the licensing of new reactors .
4 Scotland had its own Royal Commission established in the same year ; in Wales consultations had already begun leading to the appointment of a working party ( Wood 1976 : 119 ; Alexander 1928b:29 ) ; and Northern Ireland was still governed in these matters from Stormont .
5 It 's thought a fault in an electric fire set light to the downstairts bedroom — when the twins father Mark Bettinson smelt smoke flames had already begun to creep towards the twins cots .
6 He had already begun contributing to the Gardeners ' Chronicle .
7 Signs of the tenacious Selina ambition had already begun to show at the age of 13 when she secured her first job on the Darlington and Stockton Times .
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