Example sentences of "eye for the main [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Nagging fears and doubts , as well as a shrewd eye for the main chance , had sent some of their number into other parties to leave behind a group of stalwarts to insist that there was a liberal way out of the dilemma , a middle way .
2 There was a certain entrepreneurial spirit about our man ; he seems to have had an eye for the main chance , and at no time more so than in 1854 , when he left behind the delights of Hoxton and begun a brief flirtation with the idea of running a lodging house .
3 But an eye for the main chance and a shrewd business brain have also pushed him along .
4 And being a conniving little toady with an eye for the main chance , he proclaimed that the second should equal exactly the time it took to say ‘ praise Caesar ’ .
5 ‘ People who always have an eye for the main chance !
6 The seduction scene afterwards must have been done with an eye for the main chance , before the opportunity disappeared …
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