Example sentences of "hold a referendum [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The new government 's four priorities were ( i ) negotiating European Community ( EC ) membership ( the outgoing government having submitted an application on July 1 , 1991 — see p. 38353 ) with a view to holding a referendum on the issue by September 1994 ; ( ii ) breaking the pattern of economic stagnation and re-establishing the country 's reputation for growth and enterprise ; ( iii ) deregulating areas such as health and child care ; and ( iv ) establishing a long-term , sustainable policy on the environment .
2 Prior to its election in 1990 , however , the National Party had committed itself to holding a referendum on the issue .
3 If such an agreement had not been reached within 18 months , the government of Quebec would hold a referendum on the issue of independence .
4 THE Government was put under fresh pressure yesterday to hold a referendum on the Maastricht Treaty .
5 The third summit , at Brdo kod Kranja in Slovenia on April 11 , produced an agreement to hold a referendum on the future structure of the country .
6 The plan was devised following the vote of the Philippine Senate in September to reject a renewal of the US lease , and Aquino 's threat , soon retracted , to hold a referendum on the issue [ see pp. 38441-38442 ] .
7 During his visit Yeltsin confirmed that he was intending to hold a referendum on the main clauses of the new Constitution and on the issue of private ownership , which the Congress of People 's Deputies ( the supreme legislature ) was blocking [ see also pp. 38875-76 ] .
8 The government of Quebec had refused to participate in further negotiations following the collapse of the Meech Lake Accord in 1990 [ see pp. 37519-20 ] , but was planning to hold a referendum on the issue of secession in October 1992 unless a satisfactory package of constitutional reforms had been agreed [ see pp. 38281-82 ] .
9 Although over the preceding 12 months a combination of a deep economic recession , conciliatory gestures from many of the English-speaking provinces , and the skilful diplomacy of Bourassa , had served to cool some of the enthusiasm for independence , the province was due to hold a referendum on the sovereignty issue on Oct. 26 , and Mulroney had made it clear that he was keen to have reached some form of inter-provincial agreement prior to the vote .
10 Sufficient signatures had been collected to hold a referendum in the Crimea on independence from Ukraine .
11 On Dec. 1 Ukraine held a referendum on the independence of the republic , in parallel with republican presidential elections .
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