Example sentences of "a specially convene [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In turn I answer to the Assistant Commissioner of Specialist Operations who has a seat on a specially convened COBRA sub-group .
2 In the face of foreign invasion , James panicked and fled the country in December 1688 ( though it took him two attempts before he finally escaped to France ) , and in February 1689 a specially convened Convention Parliament established William and Mary as joint King and Queen and debarred all Catholics from the succession in the future .
3 Aristide addressed a specially convened emergency session of foreign ministers of the OAS member countries on Oct. 2 and an extraordinary session of the UN Security Council on Oct. 3 .
4 On Sept. 24 a specially convened ALP party conference in Canberra reversed the party 's traditional hostility to privatization by backing the government 's plans to allow a degree of competition for Telecom , the state-owned telecommunications authority , and to sell Australian Airlines ( the state-owned domestic airline ) and 49 per cent of Quantas , the national overseas carrier .
5 In the meantime , news of the vote needed explaining to a specially convened bondholders ' meeting on May 16th when 19 of their total number of 47 were present to hear the Report explained .
6 A specially convened meeting of the Organisation of African Unity ( OAU ) called on those African states who belonged to the Commonwealth to sever their links with Britain .
7 Prime Minister Bob Hawke , 61 , was re-elected as leader of the Australian Labor Party ( ALP ) at a specially convened meeting of the 110-member party caucus ( members of the federal parliament ) on June 3 .
8 At a specially convened meeting of the parliamentary group of the ruling Fianna Fáil party on Nov. 9-10 , Prime Minister Charles Haughey survived a vote of no confidence in his leadership .
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