Example sentences of "bring tears to [pron] eyes " in BNC.

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1 It 's ridiculous , she thought angrily ; he can bring tears to my eyes just by making me remember the simple things , like the way he reached out and unlocked the seatbelt for me — he 'd done it with one fluid gesture , no fumbling with it — how he had flung his jacket on to the back seat with the same faultless grace , how he 'd sauntered round the back of the car with a bemused smile when he 'd winkled it into a tight spot .
2 The punchline actually brought tears to her eyes and caused Isa Peebles to laugh so hard she almost fell off her stool .
3 A fire brigade spokesman said last night : ‘ It 's a serious matter — but it must have brought tears to her eyes . ’
4 So many feelings raced through her as she stood there — admiration , delight and pleasure that almost brought tears to her eyes .
5 That really would have brought tears to my eyes .
6 ‘ It nearly brought tears to my eyes , ’ confessed Dr Phil Gates yesterday in recalling the moment that he had a polythene bag in front of him which contained £250,000 in old notes .
7 He had passed by the very spot only the other day , and it had brought tears to his eyes .
8 The boeuf Gardiane which followed brought tears to our eyes ; we had been overwrought and dropping with fatigue , and while the food we had already eaten had cheered and comforted us , it was n't until the cover was taken off the dish of beef stew and we smelt the wine and the garlic and the rich juices and saw the little black olives and the branches of wild thyme which had scented the stew laid in a little network over the meat , that the tension vanished .
9 The wind whistled in her face bringing tears to her eyes .
10 In her bedroom , Honor gazed at herself in the cracked mirror , a sense of hopelessness bringing tears to her eyes .
11 The tune moved through her mind and body , bringing tears to her eyes .
12 Blindly , Gina followed suit , gasping as the spirit hit her throat like a million splinters of ice , freezing first then burning , bringing tears to her eyes .
13 The single white anemone set her pulse racing ; the suspicion of dew in the bell of a campanula knotted her diaphragm ; the fragrance of white tobacco plant at dusk brought tears to her eyes .
14 She made an effort to feel some true sympathy , but it was difficult — she supposed that she would n't be able to experience compassion in a deep and real sense until she 'd had some children , since only matters like the putting down of young greyhounds brought tears to her eyes .
15 The sharpness of the cold made her cough and brought tears to her eyes .
16 She was very tired ; an uncharacteristic wave of sentimentality — of pity , almost , for all living things , brought tears to her eyes and made her want to clasp her arms round Caro .
17 They brought tears to her eyes , but tears of pain soon welled up from an overwhelming sense of despair .
18 Cigar smoke brought tears to her eyes
19 That brought tears to my eyes and I turned away so that Jeff would n't be able to see them , then fought them back .
20 Mr Redhead could bring God to the godless : his article brought tears to my eyes .
21 It was n't the wind that brought tears to my eyes as I turned to walk along the cliff path .
22 He said : ‘ Your report brought tears to my eyes .
23 Sandy , a visitor , told us : " It brought tears to my eyes when I heard that the house would be closed for renovation .
24 ‘ The letter I got back brought tears to my eyes , ’ he says .
25 The shock was so great that it brought tears to his eyes , and when he 'd turned off the tap and dried his hand , the tears did n't stop .
26 He says that the pain is so great that it brings tears to his eyes , makes him grumpy , and means he 's sometimes confined to his armchair for days on end .
27 The sight of Peter Rabbit hanging up in an old-fashioned butcher 's window brings tears to our eyes , while pretty pink portions prepared and hacked by the supermarket cause no such qualms .
28 If mascara brings tears to your eyes , then take a look at new Intense Colour Mascara , from RoC .
29 He says it brings tears to your eyes to see the children having such fun .
30 The street seemed to be full of perfume now , wafting around her in the biting wind — the perfume that was the most evocative memory she had of her mother , a haunting perfume , light and teasing and sweet , a perfume that smelled a little like a summer garden at dusk , a perfume , the memory of which had possessed the power to bring tears to her eyes long , long after she had forgotten how to conjure up the image of her mother 's face .
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