Example sentences of "no wish [to-vb] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 MacArthur was conscious of the latent danger of militant nationalism in Japan and had no wish to undermine the work of the occupation through permanently embracing a positive concept of Japanese defence forces .
2 We have no wish to ruin the stationers who make a profit in this way but , if you are studying and making notes correctly , you will need vast quantities of paper , which you clearly can not afford to buy in this costly fashion .
3 I am , however , less concerned about Tory claims of vindication than about what Labour voters — the great majority of whom have no wish to embrace the SNP as prodigal brothers — make of it .
4 I have no wish to unsettle the player concerned .
5 The delegates representing the civic committees indicated that they had no wish to see a split in their ranks , and unanimously endorsed Walesa as Solidarity leader , but rejected his suggestion that the civic committees be opened to other political parties — a manoeuvre interpreted as an attempt by Walesa to broaden his base of support .
6 Many who had no wish to see the principles of 1834 modified were alarmed by the rise in poor relief expenditure .
7 The overwhelmin majority of taxpayers have no wish to see the reintroduction of unfair domestic rates .
8 ‘ I have no wish to take the adventure out of climbing — that is not in my professional interests , after all — but I would be a hypocrite if I did not accept that we are causing environmental damage , ’ Rowland confesses .
9 ‘ I have no wish to take the adventure out of climbing — that is not in my professional interests , after all — but I would be a hypocrite if I did not accept that we are causing environmental damage .
10 He 'd had no wish to wake the seal 's and drive them away .
11 Having no wish to repeat the experience we had had with our son at Liphook Junior School , our daughter , having left Liphook Infants School last summer , now goes to a state school in Haslemere .
12 It was obvious that she had no wish to discuss the opinions of Officer Hassan .
13 Despite being financial experts , Pearl had no wish to re-invent the wheel against readily available package solutions .
14 Generally , however , this suits neither party ; the lender normally has no wish to become a member and shareholder of the company and the borrower does not want to cease to be one .
15 I had no wish to rear a child in the centre of London , with its fogs , its smallpox , its fevers . ’
16 But , since she had no wish to have a discussion with him about it when for all she knew he could have telephoned her hotel yesterday or the day before and been told simply that she was n't available , she chose to assume that he did not know .
17 On the morning of Tuesday 19 December the rebels re-entered Carlisle , where Charles left a garrison of 400 men , drawn largely from the ‘ Manchester Regiment ’ who had no wish to cross the Border , and all his guns , except the light Swedish cannon recently sent from France .
18 The reduced police presence in all the former socialist countries has brought with it an increase in crime , and I have no wish to boost the statistics .
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