Example sentences of "can [be] interpreted as a " in BNC.

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1 Mr de Klerk is taking a risk in releasing him unconditionally , a move which can be interpreted as a de facto unbanning of the ANC .
2 Much of Souza 's work can be interpreted as a sort of attack on the mixed nature of his upbringing , as though a restless and pugnacious way with paint might overcome all circumstances and proclaim the painter alone .
3 Uncertainty about whether God exists can be interpreted as a condition of , rather than the negation of , faith in God .
4 But , without contentment and happiness in God , it can be interpreted as a complacent , even smug , life .
5 Another dubious argument Gandhi presents in support of ahi sā is that the course of history can be interpreted as a movement from hi sā to ahi sā .
6 For , instead of being tantamount to the mysterious suggestion that actions are uncaused , the claim that they are autonomous can be interpreted as a summing up of the individualist view that they must be explained , at least in part , by appealing to the intentional properties of individuals .
7 The morphology of the alveolar clivus supports this alternative , in which case Graecopithecus can be interpreted as a fossil hominine , but there is a possibility that this morphology represents an ancestral great ape character which was primitively retained in Graecopithecus and the hominines ( and was independently further modified to produce the more derived orang-utan condition ) .
8 In terms of the concessions made by the French , the treaty can be interpreted as a success for the English , although historians have not always agreed about this .
9 The decorative insistence , to which Heron objected , can be interpreted as a visual expression of Minton 's loneliness , of his desire to charm and seduce , to be accepted and to belong .
10 For example , the difference between the wages of farm labourers and coal miners can be interpreted as a result of the bargaining power of the two groups .
11 Thus the process of convergence to the play in the full information game can be interpreted as a period of temporary reputation .
12 Notice that the error v t in equation ( 3.7 ) can be interpreted as a ‘ measurement error ’ in the variable Y. We are trying to measure expectations , but can only obtain an indicator which is the true variable plus a random measurement error .
13 Although the reduced percentage of aneuploid tumours can be interpreted as a local response to radiotherapy the missing effect on survival points to the fact that oesophageal cancer is often diagnosed at a locally advanced or even disseminated stage .
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