Example sentences of "which enables [pers pn] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 He will drill small holes and insert an endoscope , a thin optical instrument with a light at one end which enables him to inspect the cavity .
2 In ‘ Jimmy Munro 's Troubles ’ ( Ex. 1.8 ) Corvan uses the banality of its phrasing , repetitions , sequences and harmonic structure to help construct a mock-simpleton persona which enables him to cloak the bite of his social criticism in humour ; he plays at ‘ acting the fool ’ , in tortuous verbal constructions and juxtapositions of the serious and the trivial — just as the ‘ Bow , Wow , Wow ’ song originally did — but the real problems of railway accidents , rent and ragged clothes turn the joke around .
3 Where , for instance , the characteristics which he attributes to oral communication persist in a society with literacy , and would thus appear to undermine the case for the ‘ intrinsic ’ qualities of literacy , Goody draws a further distinction which enables him to maintain the purity of his ideal model .
4 And unless someone possesses unique powers of extrasensory perception which enables him to influence the balls in the caller 's cabinet , character references are strictly irrelevant to the outcome of the jolly game of life in which eyes look down rather than upward for support .
5 Solicitors develop a detailed knowledge of the working of the business which enables them to represent the firm 's interests more effectively .
6 They are provided with guidance which enables them to take the initiative .
7 The secret of these organisations is that they have a power which enables them to keep the key people which they want , even if executive search consultants potentially and actually try to lure them away .
8 These criticisms are commonly voiced by those who have some political or academic axe to grind and who are , or think that they are , the blessed recipients of some God-given intuition which enables them to divine the actual mind of Parliament , no matter how obscure or equivocal the language in which it has chosen to express itself .
9 The SSA is up by 17.4 per cent. , which enables them to increase the precept by 15 per cent .
10 Even if the reason does n't seem fully convincing , or seems in itself unimportant , the process of analysing the word can sometimes serve as a trigger which enables you to remember the correct spelling .
11 A First National Bank loan puts valuable cash in your pocket and is an extremely flexible facility which enables you to choose the sum you wish to borrow at a monthly repayment you feel able to manage comfortably .
12 A First National Bank loan puts valuable cash in your pocket and is an extremely flexible facility which enables you to choose the sum you wish to borrow at a monthly repayment you feel able to manage comfortably .
13 Well , for one thing , Protagon , the racket which enables you to adjust the string tension to suit your style of play , or the conditions , has subtly changed the emphasis in the tennis racket market from racket frames to racket strings , thereby identifying two important factors to the tennis paying , playing public at large .
14 This will involve communication from the relevant semantic entry to the phonological output lexicon , which enables you to produce the appropriate spoken form corresponding to the semantic entry , i.e. to say ‘ elephant ’ ( unless what we asked you to do was write the answer down , in which case what is needed is communication from semantics to the orthographic output lexicon ) .
15 It is especially this formation which enables us to define the difficult concept of a fraction .
16 A full survey report is not usually required in respect of properties covered by NHBC insurance , but the Society does require its own valuation report which enables us to assess the value of the property for mortgage purposes .
17 While a certain amount of stress can be positive — it provides energy which enables us to do the things we want to do — it only becomes a problem if it develops into distress .
18 This seems to happen retrospectively , for it is the simple past tense of 'shin " d " which enables us to read the deixis of " those early dayes ' in a particular way , in direct relation to 'shin " d " .
19 It is the behaviour of the indicators which enables us to unravel the conceptual and definitional ambiguities .
20 The curve is derived in the four-quadrant diagram shown in Fig. 4.11 where graph ( i ) shows the demand for labour function and graph ( iii ) shows the unemployment function ; graph ( ii ) depicts a 45 ° line which enables us to switch the demand for labour axis from being vertical in graph ( i ) to being horizontal in graph ( iii ) .
21 What Julius Caesar , and Renaissance drama generally , requires is a rethinking of how characters work as representations , a challenge to find a critical language which enables us to rethink the relation between symbol and character in a sophisticated way .
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