Example sentences of "as they relate [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Such covenants , so far as they relate to the premises leased , are binding on and enforceable by assignees both of lessor and lessee .
2 The changes proposed by these authors in so much as they relate to the agriculture/nature conservation conflict in the UK uplands are summarised below .
3 Audit committees are only as good as their members : they will help to enhance standards of corporate governance only if they are made up of truly independent non-executive directors with the experience , the skill and the commitment to : challenge knowledgeably , incisively and fearlessly the actions and judgments of management as they relate to the financial reporting process ; monitor actively management 's commitment to the maintenance of an effective system of internal control ; support the auditors by encouraging them to discuss their findings and views freely ; and act independently and objectively in helping to resolve differences of view between auditors and management .
4 Despite the changing circumstances within which the press now operates and much evidence with which to discredit its own claims to legitimacy as ‘ the fourth estate ’ , there has been no serious attempt to reconsider the theories of the press and the media generally as they relate to the remaining decade of this century .
5 The book falls into two parts : the first is a reconstruction of the artist 's life and work as they relate to the cultural trends of their time , through about 500 contemporary writings , mostly unpublished , from people who were close to Piero : friends , intellectuals , historians and artists world-wide .
6 The decisions in the annual survey , as they relate to the year ahead , can be translated directly into the cash limits and estimates presented to Parliament , without revaluation from one price basis to another .
7 The material facts of that case , in so far as they relate to the present appeal , were that on the application of the Crown Prosecution Service , McCullough J. made a restraint order pursuant to section 77 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 in respect of the assets held by the applicants , a husband and wife .
8 The decisions in the annual survey , as they relate to the year ahead , can be translated directly into the cash limits and estimates presented to Parliament , without revaluation from one price basis to another ( HM Treasury , 1981 ) .
9 The purpose of this study is to draw out the lessons of US experience as they relate to the situation in Britain .
10 The analysis of markets and products as they relate to the customer is a prime marketing task .
11 This right extends to all social work records in so far as they relate to the child and any records compiled in connection with the making or proposed making of an application under the Children Act .
12 However , Pavlov , the famous behaviour scientist , listed four main groups of temperament types , which are useful as they relate to the animal 's response to learning and difficult circumstances .
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