Example sentences of "do away with the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Of course it is much better to have further yarn masts , as they come in handy for even normal two-colour knitting , where they can do away with the necessity to remove one yarn and re-thread with waste yarn when you need to remove work on waste .
2 She did not do much for the female stereotype , but she did do away with the idea that you can not have a woman as boss .
3 Within a year or two the government ( of whichever party ) is expected to put to Parliament a radical reform which would do away with the charade of having to prove marriage breakdown .
4 The next step will be ready meals — Chinese , pastas and curries in single portions that will do away with the need for cooking .
5 Apart from helping to reduce patient waiting lists it could do away with the need for exploratory operations in certain cases , particularly spinal and knee complaints .
6 The new E-mail and V-mail based communication system should do away with the need for constant phone calls between warehouse and depot when such hiccups occur .
7 Kucan told the Slovenian Assembly on July 23 that the new constitution would do away with the class principle of the old political system , placing the individual rather than the collective at the centre of the political stage .
8 This system will do away with the careerist politicians and their parasitical political parties .
9 But the way in which the New Critics developed Eliot 's axiom did not entirely do away with the author : instead , by shifting his position from the outside to the inside of the text , they merely justified a shift in methodology from the biographical to the words-on-the-page approach .
10 Here again , AEG has decided to do away with the system of locking the motor at the required height by twisting one of these handles .
11 At an early stage the Roberts decided to do away with the lawn which sloped towards the house .
12 Assertion of the principle served to do away with the monarch 's previously claimed powers to suspend or dispense with acts of Parliament and it served to deny judges the power to strike down measures .
13 They ask the Duke to do away with the Act , because it will turn the Atholl Highlanders into slaves , and if he will not , they will fight to the last drop of their blood . ’
14 The work for this would ferment in the house the right kind of feeling , atmosphere , to do away with the nastiness of the last day or so .
15 Mr Clarke said later that no decision had been taken to do away with the pay formula , but he added : ‘ However I can not agree that firefighters should be an exception to the Government 's policy that in the current pay round the rises of all public sector employees should not exceed 1.5 per cent and that there could not be any catching up settlement thereafter . ’
16 Branson , in a moment of impulse , decided to do away with the convention of describing passengers as first class or economy ; instead baggage stickers were printed for ‘ Upper Class ’ , ‘ Middle Class ’ and ‘ Riff Raff ’ .
17 The MEPs want to do away with the Commission 's proposals for a three month contracting-out period during which the provisions in the directive would not be applied .
18 To experience the true power of prayer , we need to do away with the indifference and moral complacency that so readily chill our feelings for God .
19 The major production innovation at Kalmar has been to do away with the track .
20 Deconstruction marginalises the author , or seeks to do away with the author altogether , replacing him or her with what Foucault called the ‘ author-fiction ’ , that is , a culturally and historically determined role over which the individual writer has no control .
21 Since Philip realizes that it will be impossible to do away with the artifice of narration if he wants to present the results of his search , he decides instead to make the artifice obvious .
22 They had n't thought about that do you know , I reckon that Sister Josephine erm behind all this , she wanted that hall and she and Father used to talk about this you see they want to extend the church back and do away with the car parking area as well , oh that 's alright , but erm sort of ca n't see any point in it , I mean congregations are going down , they 're not increasing , the church is big enough for what is necessary I would of thought would n't you ?
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