Example sentences of "with [art] few [adj] exceptions " in BNC.

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1 With a few possible exceptions , it is not worthwhile stocking up with other components in large numbers because it would either be too costly , or it would take years to use them all up .
2 Currently the independent music scene , with a few shining exceptions , is concerned with making a successful career , selling a lot of records , and that 's never been a concern of mine .
3 The United States , Central and South America ( with a few small exceptions ) , Liberia and Japan were politically independent of Europe .
4 A hundred years ago the reports of travellers , colonial officials and missionaries were , with a few striking exceptions , amateur works which , however well-intentioned , often conveyed a misleading and partial picture .
5 But , with a few honourable exceptions , the Church has relied upon ‘ home-grown consultants . ’
6 Conservative Members — with a few honourable exceptions — were dragooned through the Division Lobby by the Government Whips .
7 Association director Dr John Beishon said : ‘ With a few honourable exceptions , banks and building societies are still providing a service of monumental incompetence to too many of their customers .
8 Association director Dr John Beishon said : ‘ With a few honourable exceptions , banks and building societies are still providing a service of monumental incompetence to too many of their customers .
9 The majority of the buildings house the vats and equipment used in the brewing process , a scene that , with a few modern exceptions , could be straight from the 19th century .
10 Even a brief and superficial review of national soil and pasture conservation policies indicates that , with a few significant exceptions , their results fall far short of their intentions .
11 With a few obvious exceptions — most notably the highly successful chemical and pharmaceutical industries , which profit from Britain 's strength in laboratory science — industry has failed to attract the country 's top talent , which has preferred the City , the professions and academe .
12 A relative dearth of literature and experience unfortunately hampers the development of family therapy with older families particularly in the United Kingdom , with a few notable exceptions .
13 It is not just that the ideas which underpin progressive primary methods have been , with a few notable exceptions , poorly articulated .
14 To their contemporaries , with a few notable exceptions , the Hooligans ' violence was a sure sign of a novel deterioration in the national character , symptomatic of the lowered morality of the new ‘ city type ’ or urban degenerate .
15 The designs may be almost identical , but , with a few notable exceptions , Indian and Pakistani rugs tend to favour paler , more pastel shades .
16 With a few notable exceptions , curvilinear designs are the preserve of the major workshop groups and geometric schemes are found on village and nomadic rugs .
17 Using such techniques , we can determine the direction of a noise more accurately than any other animal , with a few notable exceptions , including the barn owl .
18 When linguists became involved , with a few notable exceptions , it was mainly to distance themselves from this current of ideas and to introduce the second phase .
19 With a few notable exceptions , canoeists still seem to believe that the challenge to the Rights of Way Act now being mounted by fishermen , landowners and self-styled conservationists in the House of Lords does not concern them .
20 By the mid-1970s our collective view was that , with a few notable exceptions , Soviet technology was on a distinctly inferior plane to that found in the major Western industrial countries and , moreover , had shown no signs of catching up in the previous 15–20 years .
21 Despite their early promise and their growing acceptance within the USA , there has been some reluctance on the part of organiastions in the UK , with a few notable exceptions , to become heavily involved with expert systems development .
22 With a few notable exceptions , the policy should be similar to that advocated for younger subjects .
23 This book covers six journeys within the city , all of them — with a few minor exceptions — staying within the boundary of the old city walls .
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