Example sentences of "not seek [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is , however , indicative of the political harmony and stability Edward had already achieved that the nobility did not seek to exploit the grievances of the community over taxation , purveyance and military service in order to impose measures of restraint upon the king .
2 This was also carried on a division ; the Government accepted their defeat and did not seek to reverse the decision .
3 One would not seek to reverse the course of history .
4 It is a matter of principle for the Hong Kong government that it should not seek to restrict the numbers leaving , whether directly or by influencing resettlement countries .
5 The Commission does not seek to deny the validity and value of services without music , such as those held early in the morning or on a weekday .
6 These rulers did not seek to usurp the position of emperor , or to abolish the institution .
7 The director nods in agreement and does not seek to argue the point .
8 We did not seek to extend the Board 's NVQ portfolio because of the merger discussions , but I am pleased to endorse the Trust 's policy of strong support for the organisations charged with achieving the NVQ national targets .
9 Now , I do not seek to defend the conduct of the Sun , but I do think that it is at best messy and may also be dangerous to use the common law to outflank the Act .
10 While I would not seek to question the decision of the judges of a number of the awards ( although you may note for the record , however , that there were a lot of eyebrows raised in the trade by the comments on and judging of Helpware magazine , which won both contract title of the year and runner-up to best consumer launch of the year in the 1992 Publishing Awards ) , I would like to question the appropriateness of the chairman of the judges presiding over a ceremony where his own company won the most number of awards .
11 The plaintiff did not seek to question the correctness of an assessment or to have any underlying issue of fact adjudicated , but disputed the Revenue 's right to seek to vary the existing assessments by bringing s 485 into operation .
12 Although the Law Society took the steps to establish a Professional and Public Relations Committee in 1971 and employed the public relations firm , Saatchi and Saatchi , to improve its tarnished image , it did not seek to present the profession on any sort of economic/productivity basis .
13 What is good about the current production is that it does not seek to tilt the play either way : it allows us to decide where we stand .
14 But the statutory formula does not seek to value the benefit to the employee as such , but requires the quantum of the benefit to be fixed by reference to the cost to the employer in providing it .
15 ‘ You must give me your solemn assurance on three counts : that you will not seek to discover the identity of my client , that you will not ask for any further assistance if the venture should prove to be unsuccessful and finally that you will not discuss this matter with any other person ; this stipulation to include even members of your own family and your circle of personal friends and acquaintances . ’
16 However , the omission can not affect the validity of the decision of 30 October 1990 , and Mr. Collins did not seek to impugn the propriety of S.I.B . 's recognition of Lautro as a self-regulating organisation .
17 I do not seek to deride the intelligence or all undergraduates , but with one side of the argument apparently lacking , how can target readers of Von Daniken come to any firm , reasoned conclusions ?
18 Drudy and Drudy also found that 22 per cent of their survey group wished to leave the area , although they did not seek to establish the motives , while Dench found a willingness to leave mid-Devon if career prospects were frustrated .
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