Example sentences of "it must [be] remembered [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Though it must be remembered that this is no a priori scheme imposed upon the appearances , but rather an interpretation gradually distilled from them by prolonged contemplation .
2 It must be remembered that Lewis always affected ( I think it was deliberate ) to be a plain , honest man with no nonsense about him , usually wearing , when out on a walk , an old tweed hat and coat and accompanied with a pipe and a dog . ’
3 It reads : ‘ It must be remembered that there is nothing more difficult to plan , more uncertain of success , nor more dangerous to manage , than the creation of a new order of things . ’
4 It must be remembered that at this time , the turn of the century , steam engines were fully developed whereas internal combustion engines were in their infancy .
5 Like the argument concerning the church and slavery , however , it must be remembered that , although priests may have alleviated the lot of a small number , the colonial epoch still retains a place in history which is notorious for the brutality shown to the Indians .
6 It must be remembered that a child with an IQ of 50 may only have the mental age of nine when they leave school , although their social abilities may be reasonably comparable with their actual age .
7 It must be remembered that children are termed ‘ severely ’ handicapped if they have an IQ below 50 .
8 Furthermore , it must be remembered that my father was a butler of an earlier generation who began his career at a time when such attributes were not considered proper , let alone desirable in a butler .
9 This power should be exercised most sparingly for it must be remembered that the public is entitled to know how the council is handling their affairs .
10 It must be remembered that hyperlipidaemia in a well-controlled diabetic may also represent a primary familial disorder , and it is often difficult to differentiate between this and diabetes complicated by hypertriglyceridaemia .
11 At the highest level of society there were the names given to the great tenants-in-chief who held their estates directly of the Conqueror , and it must be remembered that if these magnates were already powerful in their own country they may even have brought locative bynames with them , as was the case of William de Moyon already mentioned .
12 It must be remembered that what is described is , almost without exception , the church as it existed at the time of writing .
13 However , it must be remembered that these groups work best at the initial stages of research when concepts still have to be clarified ; they can never replace a properly constituted sample .
14 It must be remembered that the acknowledged success of HMOs in reducing costs should be viewed against the insurance-based systems they replace .
15 To begin with , it must be remembered that in avian predators , all digestion takes place in the stomach , whereas in mammalian carnivores digestion continues in the intestines as the food passes through the system .
16 for referral to the Parliamentary Commissioner or a Local Councillor for referral to the Local Commissioner , although it must be remembered that the Local Commissioner can only investigate after a complaint has been brought to the attention of the authority complained against and they have had a reasonable time to reply .
17 Finally , it must be remembered that where odour nuisance arises from outside the workplace , affecting employees inside the workplace , for example from a nearby factory or due to manure spreading in the surrounding fields , then sections 92 to 100 of the Public Health Act 1936 will apply should the odour amount to a statutory nuisance , since the Local Government ( Miscellaneous Provisions ) Act 1982 amended s.92(1) ( d ) of the Public Health Act 1936 to ‘ any dust or effluvia caused by a trade , business or manufacture or process which are prejudicial to health or a nuisance ’ deleting the words [ to the inhabitants of the neighbourhood ] .
18 Green would go to Low Wood for bowling , and also enjoyed hunting — and it must be remembered that hunting in the Lake District is on foot and not on horseback !
19 However , it must be remembered that each tonne of AGR or PWR fuel produces much more electricity ( AGR it least five times , PWR at least 7 times ) than a tonne of magnox Fuel This will result in the reprocessing component of the nuclear fuel cycle cost being less for AGR and PWR than for magnox .
20 Moreover , it must be remembered that the unit is extremely small , and also that by the time that man was struggling with the birth pangs of civilisation , it had already been produced , by the wondrous process of evolution , in astronomical numbers .
21 If the withholding of manifestations of parental love is used as a first measure of initial disciplining , then it must be remembered that the measure of the distress necessary to be imposed , need be very small indeed if the imposition is started early enough .
22 In 1829 in Cork ( it must be remembered that Ireland was still part of the United Kingdom then ) a sergeant in the 21st Fusiliers was charged with the brutal assault and rape of a deaf girl without speech , Mary Brien , who was uneducated .
23 On the other hand it must be remembered that a more rapid turnover of light industry ( production of essential articles ) permits its capital also to be used to build up heavy industry , whilst developing light industry at the same time .
24 ‘ If some of our visitors are somewhat lacking in restraint , ’ noted an RCM report euphemistically , ‘ it must be remembered that many are overwrought with anxiety . ’
25 It must be remembered that once these batteries are inserted into the transmitter they begin to function .
26 It must be remembered that this combo is designed for use in small pub and club gigs and rehearsal situations .
27 These can be thought of as five somewhat different shapes , but it must be remembered that when people are talking they will be rapidly moving shapes .
28 Nevertheless , it must be remembered that 1993 is a difficult year for the economy .
29 But it must be remembered that the process of evolving acceptable accounting standards has taken many years .
30 But it must be remembered that a priest is different from the laity .
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