Example sentences of "it will [be] remembered [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ( It will be remembered that he had studied drama at McGill , and the plays of Britain 's ‘ angry young men ’ had made waves in Canada . )
2 It will be remembered that the thesis is only about legitimate authority .
3 It will be remembered that Griffith had calculated a value a little under 2,000,000 p.s.i .
4 It will be remembered that popular Los Angelino Op Bronson Manolo lost his life in that engagement . ’
5 But it will be remembered that in Anselm 's system only justice makes free , and in this case , justice meant giving Canterbury an archbishop .
6 It will be remembered that his other , earlier , intuitions about heterarchy pulled in the opposite direction , towards a monadology of separate partial sub-consciousnesses .
7 In distributing power between the shareholders and the directors it will be remembered that the legal model invoked a powerful comparison between the company and the state .
8 It will be remembered that a republic had been established there in 1919 , apparently with the consent of its people .
9 It will be remembered that an estimate was made of a 20–30 per cent proportion of adults as subject to sexual difficulty .
10 It will be remembered that when ( 1.5 ) the pluralist view of style was first introduced , it was associated with a plurality of language functions , as in the threefold functional scheme of Halliday , who distinguishes between ideational , interpersonal , and textual functions .
11 It will be remembered that Dudley and Stephens was the case where three men and a cabin-boy were compelled to take to an open boat after the wreck of their yacht Mignonette .
12 It will be remembered that Mazarin , himself an Italian , had been present at a performance of Che soffre , speri .
13 It will be remembered that experiments involving large temperature changes and steep temperature gradients between the surface and interior layers of the rock appeared to produce no disintegration until water was present .
14 Whether or not they must have a common purpose to constitute a procession is perhaps a moot point , g but it will be remembered that unless the procession is to be held which is ‘ intended ’ to fulfil one of the purposes mentioned in section 11(1) , no notice is required .
15 It will be remembered that during the last 30 years of life the King had suffered from a distressing illness that resulted in his being kept under guard and even put into a straight-jacket : if he had said anything about the origin of the instrument it is unlikely that much weight would be given to his words .
16 Turning to hire contracts , it will be remembered that there are statutory implied terms as title , description , quality and sample implied by sections 6–10 of the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 ( see paragraph 8–08 above ) .
17 It will be remembered that Alan Tongue brought the very successful first Northern Ireland performance of Andrew Lloyd Webber 's Requiem to the Festival in 1985 .
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