Example sentences of "it [vb mod] [not/n't] [be] stressed " in BNC.

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1 It ca n't be stressed enough that you should know the entire play from which you select your audition piece ; not only that , but have thought carefully about the characters and their inter-relationship .
2 It ca n't be stressed too often that when you 're underground the rule is look but do n't touch .
3 It ca n't be stressed enough that the event is only held here every four years .
4 Amateur theatre flourishes almost everywhere , and when you 're beginning it can not be stressed too strongly that it is desirable to obtain some actual stage experience before jumping into the big pool of drama school , or even summer school .
5 Thus it can not be stressed too strongly that the process of transforming publicly available information artefacts into information that is directly usable with minimal resource expenditure by the strategic decision maker is almost always a very difficult and demanding job requiring a considerable amount of intelligence , training and expertise .
6 It can not be stressed too often that employers are very wary of extremes .
7 It can not be stressed too strongly that the police in a democracy have a positive duty to facilitate the enjoyment of freedoms .
8 But it can not be stressed too strongly that there are places of great strength and potential for growth : they should not be squashed , marginalised and ignored .
9 While all this activity may seem appropriate , it can not be stressed too often that ‘ Unless the Lord builds the house , its builders labour in vain ’ Psalm 127:1
10 It can not be stressed enough that an adequate system for financial control must be a priority matter for the haulier .
11 The move back to full employment , an integral part of the reform being advocated here , will itself have an indirect effect on wage levels , particularly for those at the bottom end of the income pile , although it can not be stressed enough that the drive towards full employment must be matched by a commitment to improve the productivity of all workers — including those on low pay .
12 It can not be stressed too much , however , that costs do not fall without effort .
13 It can not be stressed enough that calendars need a little extra display thought if they are to sell out well .
14 It can not be stressed too strongly that a great deal of the blame for unsatisfactory deeds must lie in the failure of the Scottish legal profession to provide itself with a service for new styles .
15 It can not be stressed too often that it is essential to only install commercially designed and built microwaves which conform to the international safety and performance standards appropriate for industrial use .
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