Example sentences of "have opted [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 England boss Reilly , lacking the muscle of Wigan forwards Denis Betts , Andy Platt and Kelvin Skerrett , has opted for a blend of youth and experience .
2 FACED with a choice between Shildon and Stockholm , the redoubtable Charlie Thomas has opted for a home fixture .
3 But , with Iago , Nunn has opted for a congruence of scales .
4 At the same time , where a member has opted for a method known as settlement to market , all matching sale and purchase contracts are netted off and resulting gains and losses accounted for , leaving in the member 's account with LCH the following morning only a net long or short position in respect of each commodity or instrument for each delivery month .
5 For example , because LOEX only acquires one or two copies of each item of user education material from depositors , and because it is a nationwide service , it has opted for a loan system , with no material for retention .
6 ‘ She is a good little actress although she has opted for the dancing course here .
7 He has opted for the island county this time qualifying under the residential rule which also applies to captain Mark Harris , who has switched clubs from Menai Bridge to Bangor but stays on for his fourth campaign in charge .
8 Of course , you need special software to make all this work , and of three operating systems available — PenDOS , PenPoint and Windows for Pens — GRiD has opted for the Microsoft product .
9 Parents may have opted for the test , however , and , hearing nothing more , might assume that the result was normal .
10 Asked to predict the most likely site of synaptic plasticity , theoreticians would probably have opted for the interneurons , as these can clearly receive and modulate signals from many different inputs before dispatching them to varied outputs .
11 ‘ If you 're up in London tomorrow — ’ Guy broke into the conversation calmly , having opted for a wedge of Virginia 's baked raisin cheesecake in preference to fresh strawberries , or rich chocolate gâteau , ‘ I 've got two tickets for the American Ballet Theatre . ’
12 The press corps , having opted for a £30 , 35 minute flight , had time to dwell on the impact of this visitor .
13 If he does nothing , he will be deemed to have opted for the summary statement .
14 Rather than moving back to a more conventional approach based on genuine consultation , it had opted for a system giving it greater control .
15 Over a quarter of households prior to nationalisation had opted for a coin pre-payment meter to ease the burden , though some Boards now discouraged this ( because of the high cost of installation and adjustment , and the risk of theft ) .
16 Mr had opted for the figure nineteen , for the multiplier in the pleadings in this case .
17 Perhaps a little more expensive , but we 've opted for a powerhead run undergravel — which will ensure adequate throughput of water through the gravel , and offers many similar features to the internal power filter , in terms of flow and aeration .
18 I have opted for a selection of Amazon Swords , Giant Vallis , Fountain plants , Twisted Vallis and Cryptocorynes , The Crypts will fare better at the dimmer end of the tank .
19 In your letter you present the fact that yourself and the Deputy Director have opted for an increase based on the Grade 1 salary and presumably you saw that as a gesture of good will or a concession to our demands .
20 In El Salvador , the church has increasingly suffered from internal divisions between the Orthodox Church and the majority who have opted for the theology of liberation to form the " Popular Church " , whose most important exponent , until his murder , was Archbishop Romero .
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