Example sentences of "to be on the verge " in BNC.

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1 Southeastern Asset Management , a US group , was said to be on the verge of selling on its 10 per cent stake .
2 Willis Faber , the insurance broker said to be on the verge of selling its 20.5 per cent shareholding in MG to a potential bidder , was unchanged at 242p .
3 Across the nation aristocratic backwoodsmen , a tribe previously thought to be on the verge of extinction , tottered off to the nearest railway station to obey the summons .
4 For the moment , however , he allowed the affair to subside , partly because Spain herself appeared to be on the verge of civil war , and as a consequence even less attractive to any possible monarch , and partly because he was awaiting developments in France where the regime appeared to be entering a moment of crisis .
5 JAPANESE engineers claim to be on the verge of building the world 's most efficient Stirling , or heat ’ exchange , engine .
6 Delaney and Forster exchanged quick , worried glances , for the man seemed to be on the verge of total derangement .
7 In its most overweaning forms , anthropism seems to be on the verge of substituting Man for God , by hinting that consciousness , unbound by time 's arrow , causes creation .
8 And adults do not need to be on the verge of shouting or crying for these mechanisms to be involved .
9 Obispal sounded to be on the verge of deducing the truth .
10 Only if public order appeared to be on the verge of breaking down would the government contemplate restricting political liberty .
11 I had flashes of recall so many times seemed to be on the verge of knowing who I really was .
12 Just at the moment when the establishment figures on both sides of the Atlantic were talking about substantial cuts in military spending , when the role of the hawkish political leaders was being eclipsed , when the United States seemed to be floating away from its international role , and new self-confident Europe seemed to be on the verge of creation , Iraq invaded Kuwait .
13 Comando Quintín Lamé ( Quintín Lamé Commando , thought to be on the verge of demobilizing — see below for current guerrilla demobilizations ) .
14 The talks were the most significant in a 15-month series of deputy foreign ministerial level discussions in that they occurred at a time when the two countries appeared to be on the verge of restoring full diplomatic relations .
15 After suffering serious losses , Onoue was reported to be on the verge of bankruptcy with debts of 410,000 million yen .
16 The negotiations on the country 's constitutional framework appeared to be on the verge of a breakthrough in early February , when a joint commission of the Czech and Slovak National Councils ( republican parliaments ) agreed on a draft text defining the relationship of the republics in a future federation .
17 Every time she seemed to be on the verge of making some sort of breakthrough , new questions came up .
18 Withdrawal was necessary because the American war in Vietnam appeared to the General to be on the verge of widening into a larger conflict .
19 He says : ‘ There have always been mail orders firms and telephone shopping and , at one stage , we were supposed to be on the verge of TV shopping .
20 Three operations are said to be on the verge of bankruptcy because their claims — submitted through the ‘ one door ’ compensation office in Lerwick — have not been met .
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