Example sentences of "have [be] devoted to the " in BNC.

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1 However , our research indicates that this is not happening , primarily because there has been a failure in most parts of the world to recognize or accept the critical role played by paraprofessionals in social service delivery , little effort has been devoted to the clarification of appropriate paraprofessional roles and functions and to their training and deployment , and too few social work education programmes are training social workers to work alongside paraprofessional personnel .
2 Inevitably , most space in this exploration of the American railway station has been devoted to the large city variety .
3 It is one of the weaknesses of the Wilson book , and unfortunately also of the Rutter and Jones book , that obvious alternative hypotheses are not considered — possibly because no research has been devoted to the elucidation of the causal chain .
4 If insufficient attention has been devoted to the design of this and also the related access procedures the symptoms are a plethora of documentation which no individual entirely understands , the temptation to do it again rather than waste time finding out how something has already been done and too much reliance on the human memory .
5 The architect , Bogdan Bogdanovic , whose entire career has been devoted to the tragic commemoration of war victims , is one of the very few Serbians brave enough to speak out against the current Serbian aggression .
6 Much recent geographical research has been devoted to the relationship between space and time ( Thrift 1977 ) .
7 However , I am not convinced that the most relevant biochemical questions have yet been asked , partly at least because so much attention has been devoted to the intimate synaptic processes involved in the initiation of LTP that surprisingly little has been directed towards what seems to me most interesting about it — the very long-term nature of the phenomenon .
8 Particular attention has been devoted to the Late Quaternary sea levels and especially to those of the Holocene .
9 Since the 1960s , some attention has been devoted to the signs of fertility women 's bodies produce through the menstrual cycle .
10 Colander and Olson ( 1984 ) claim that too little attention has been devoted to the role of rent-seeking ( distributional gain-seeking coalitions ) in the macroeconomics of both the Keynesian and new classical varieties .
11 It seems to me quite inappropriate that 2¾ hours of investigation and oral evidence should have been devoted to the hearing of the interim application on 29 November 1991 .
12 It is evident from the massive character of the great border dyke which Asser in his Life of Alfred in the late ninth century attributes to Offa ( Life of King Alfred , ch. 14 ) , running from Sedbury Cliffs near Chepstow to Treuddyn , linking up now with Wat 's Dyke which ends at Basingwerk in north Wales , that considerable energy and manpower must have been devoted to the delineation , construction and maintenance of this frontier line .
13 The English had not taken any important part in this ; voyages from Bristol at the end of the fifteenth century had reached a few points in North America and had opened up cod fisheries off Newfoundland , and in the 1550s London merchants had used the northern searoutes to start trading with Russia , but most of the nation 's energies overseas in the first half of the sixteenth century had been devoted to the last and least rewarding of the attempts to conquer France .
14 The Magistrate hesitated , stroking those terrible , radical , flaring whiskers of his … since he had shouted himself hoarse as a young man in 1832 he had been devoted to the radical cause , a supporter of Chartism , of factory reform , and of every other progressive notion which crossed his path .
15 She remembered his scratched plans and his frowning concentration , and for the first time fully understood that all that persistence had been devoted to the cause of breaking into Parfois .
16 It is sad , first of all , that so many educated people miss all the fun that is in good science ; how many hours they spend at dinner parties with nothing substantial to pass the time , and how many acres of The Observer have been devoted to the to-ings and fro-ings of Guy Burgess and the annotated laundry lists of D. H. Lawrence , because the impeccably educated editors of that mercifully ailing rag do not know , after they have worked through the football and the statutory theatre crits , what is interesting .
17 Whole books have been devoted to the topic of sensitivity analysis in linear programming , and in one chapter we can do little more than indicate basic themes .
18 Their lives have been devoted to the welfare of the next generation — not , it is true , to their direct descendants , but to their younger brothers and sisters and therefore potentially to their nephews and nieces .
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