Example sentences of "and have a go at " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's too small for any of us , but he might be able to get out and have a go at the door from the other side . ’
2 I said what will you do pull over and have a go at him .
3 Put your hand up , I ca Okay , it may be worth , in that case , having a look at past papers and having a go at writing the essays .
4 They tried to drink the water , which made them sick , and had a go at their own urine until that too simply ran out .
5 She often rang up the producer and had a go at him and made him swear never to do anything like that again .
6 BBC Radio One sent competition winners to Stoke-on-Trent who enjoyed a Visitor Centre tour and had a go at throwing their own pot .
7 told his wife and his wife went and had a go at him
8 ‘ … someone 'll have to go up to Top Piece , too , and have a go at that wall .
9 And in those situations I go and pop in when she is supposed to be there and have a go at her if she 's not .
10 We run down the other end and have a go at Sunderland fans … and like against Villa when they all got pushed onto the pitch … we 're all in there …
11 So that 's that 's one to Every now and again on your own just look through a couple of the papers and have a go at that , so that when it does come up on the exam you 're not kicking yourself
12 Chocolate novelties take centre stage at this time of year , so save yourself some money and have a go at making your own Easter eggs and bunnies .
13 They 'll take risks Let's do so- and-so , and have a go at doing it this way And they 're often idealistic .
14 And than at a later stage go bock and have a go at Sally and and remind her of all these good things that you talked about .
15 You 're going to get the drill and have a go at the drilling session ?
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