Example sentences of "the need to maintain the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is therefore in the true interests of defence that the claims of military expenditure should be considered in conjunction with the need to maintain the country 's financial and economic strength .
2 Although many believe coverage of such hotel costs ( along with universal access and comprehensiveness ) is one of the distinguishing features of the Canadian system that prevents it from becoming a US-style two-tiered system , Clemenhagen says the need to maintain the system 's integrity must be balanced by ‘ the need for responsible deficit reduction ’ .
3 He was amused that Blanche still felt the need to maintain the pretence that her interest in the handsome detective inspector was solely professional .
4 Part , at least , of Ho 's enlightenment was the approximation and future projection of political power in Vietnam , the need to maintain the appeal to Vietnamese patriotism , and , most of all , a temporary but overwhelming necessity for Chinese support .
5 Indeed , the need to maintain the facade of politesse is often paramount .
6 One of the main reasons for this is the need to maintain the quality of the front-line services to the membership in the face of much higher volumes of telephone and fax traffic .
7 The Director-General of the Japan Defence Agency ( JDA ) , Juro Matsumoto , commented , however , that because " the international situation was unclear due to the developments taking place in the socialist bloc " , the need to maintain the JDA forces was just as great .
8 He submitted that it was quite clear that the FPC reached a considered decision as what it found to be the proper level of use of the deputising service consistently with maintaining the doctor 's primary responsibility and as regards the need to maintain the standards of the deputising service efficiently and consistently with that obligation .
9 There are many ways in which the need for openness and honesty can be harmonized with the need to maintain the family group , and to ensure that individuals within the family are not damaged .
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