Example sentences of "be to introduce a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The easiest solution would be to introduce a suitable anemone for it to occupy .
2 If we were to introduce a new toy to a litter of puppies , they would play with it .
3 Sartre 's reaction to the threat that the negation of a negation may produce a detotalizing effect is to introduce a new category , a unifying force of a ‘ singularization ’ which incarnates the universal : ‘ If totalization really is an ongoing process ’ , he writes , ‘ then it operates everywhere .
4 If a negated conjunct is really necessary in some condition , then the standard trick is to introduce a new predicate which stands for it .
5 Also from 1990–1 , the government is to introduce a new system of student loans to supplement grants .
6 ‘ The only way to resolve the problem is to introduce a new law and open competition for licences , ’ says Rafael Arrastía , president of FARCO ( Federación Argentina de Radiodifusoras Comunitarias — Argentinian Federation of Community Radios ) .
7 What they do is to introduce a new element into the concept of responsibility which involves more than free will and reason ; now a third party is present and is an active participant in the language game in which responsibility has a role .
8 But this is to introduce a utilitarian calculus , which some may reject as a basis for choosing how to allocate resources .
9 Its aim is to introduce a European dimension to existing training programmes in 12 vocational sectors .
10 What we want to do is to introduce a standard level of discount for everyone , a level playing field . ’
11 The effect of this method of arriving at desirable proportions between the categories is to introduce a controlled bias in favour of the smaller interest categories .
12 The idea is to introduce a generous helping of loose feed in the first instance .
13 But to suggest that the conflict was over political rather than intellectual matters is to introduce a false antithesis .
14 Meanwhile , the Countryside Commission is to introduce a national hedgerow management scheme this year .
15 Its purpose is to introduce a strict liability regime on producers of defective products .
16 The challenge for the chief executive of such a sprawling firm is to introduce a clear sense of direction and to get sales and profits to grow faster than the American , and preferably the world , economy .
17 However , what we can do immediately and are in the process of doing is to introduce a statutory instrument to increase the grant level to 90 per cent .
18 The favoured strategy so far has been to introduce a cooling-off period before industrial action could be taken .
19 Hospital officials at the John Radcliffe are to introduce a new card system whereby all staff will carry identification .
20 Their intention was to introduce a new format to provoke competitive opportunities for our young players .
21 The purpose of the Consumer Protection Act was to introduce a strict liability regime on producers of defective products .
22 Suspicious of voluntary admissions , social workers regarded court orders as giving them more control : yet the perverse outcome of more adversarial methods was to introduce an increased element of crisis .
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