Example sentences of "be incorporated into the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The first few pairs of somites that form do not persist ; they disappear and are incorporated into the head .
2 And perhaps they suffice to demonstrate , in a rudimentary way , how the arrangements and alterations of grammar provide additional specification to lexical associations so that the words can relate more precisely to features of context , including those features which are incorporated into the knowledge of the language users themselves .
3 Agreements reached for these groups are incorporated into the convenio .
4 Outstanding incompatibilities not resolved by the ABI — and there is little doubt that different look and feels will still prevail — are to be addressed by a streamlined porting environment that can be whittled down over time as more features are incorporated into the ABI .
5 Here inward stillness and peace of conscience ( aspects of Rachel in Mixed Life ) are incorporated into the experience of union .
6 Indeed the Us/Them opposition itself , which Fipa perceive as one between Settlers and Strangers , is culturally ‘ played down ’ in favour of the continuing process , by which as a deliberate matter of social and State policy , outsiders are incorporated into the society .
7 When they are incorporated into the verb itself it provides BSL transcription with its typically clipped appearance ( see transcript 1 ) .
8 Corporatist theories argue that major interest groups are incorporated into the decision-making apparatus of the state .
9 Where terms are contained or referred to in an unsigned document , the question whether or not they are incorporated into the contract is one of fact .
10 Where the parties deal face to face , it may be relatively easy to ensure that the business 's terms are incorporated into the contract , by obtaining the other party 's signature to a form referring to the terms .
11 Moreover , the standard terms will be wholly useless unless proper contracting procedures are established to ensure that they are incorporated into the business 's contracts .
12 Any chances in your terms and conditions of employment that are negotiated with the trade unions are incorporated into the ES Personnel Handbook .
13 Relieving arches are incorporated into the walls to reinforce them and concentrate the load on to the eight massive piers .
14 Often , they are incorporated into the constitution of the organisation and then become legally binding .
15 It is important , also , that user and carer definitions of what factors contribute to the quality of their lives and levels of risk are incorporated into the process .
16 The logic of this change in attitude is expressed in educational terms in the Warnock Report , the findings of which have now been incorporated into the Education Act .
17 An individual term may be ineffective in law ; or the terms as a whole may not have been incorporated into the contract in question .
18 In McCrone the proponent sought to rely on an exclusion clause in its standard terms of trading which , it alleged , had been incorporated into the contract by a course of dealing .
19 Thus unreasonable or unusual terms may be held not to have been incorporated into the contract unless special notice of them is given in the contract ( Interfoto Picture Library Ltd v Stiletto Visual Programmes Ltd [ 1988 ] 1 All ER 348 ) .
20 The San Giorgio case is also of interest for present purposes in that it accepts that Community law does not prevent a national legal system from disallowing repayment of charges where to do so would entail unjust enrichment of the recipient , in particular where the charges have been incorporated into the price of goods and so passed on to the purchaser .
21 Again , people in the workshop felt that the many issues connected to disability could have been incorporated into the discussion in the other workshops .
22 Perhaps part of the answer lies in the fact that much of the new technology which had been developed before and during the war had already been incorporated into the capital stock .
23 All the drive units are new , and the crossover has changed , special anti-resonance measures have been incorporated into the ribbon driver , and the woodwork uses thicker panels and is also better damped .
24 Documentary checks might be supplemented with results of site inspections to discover whether equipment was stored solely on site , whether it had been incorporated into the works , whether stage payments had been made on time and for the agreed amount .
25 Casts of missing fragments have been incorporated into the frieze , as well as an original fragment excavated on the Bassae site by Professor Yalouris and subsequently displayed in the National Archaeological Museum in Athens .
26 Nevertheless , the attitudes which Wordsworth adopted towards industrialization were successfully transmitted to the later nineteenth century , and ultimately down to our own day , where they have sometimes been incorporated into the law of the land .
27 To signal these relationships , links have been incorporated into the document , modifying the structure .
28 The secret protocols under which these republics had been incorporated into the USSR were finally published in the Baltic press in August 1988 and in the national press the following year , but the matters under dispute widened into a challenge to the established relationship between the USSR as a whole and its constituent republics .
29 The decorative facade has been incorporated into the redevelopment
30 Since 1991 , a European strategy has been incorporated into the college development plan .
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