Example sentences of "be left [prep] the impression " in BNC.

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1 A visitor to Mohenjo Daro , one of the Indus Valley sites , will be left with the impression that this city with all it contained had either in record time surpassed all other human generations in inventiveness , or that like the Aryans they were immigrants bringing with them centuries of cultural inheritance .
2 Readers were to be left with the impression that a ‘ woodchopper ’ beating out the time audibly and often was the inevitable result and proof of unmusical French ‘ good taste ’ : one preferring permanent metrical chaos .
3 I am left with the impression that the author has updated his work reluctantly and some of his text is misleading .
4 Whilst mechanisms , sometimes of ‘ passing ’ , more often of ‘ coping ’ , are described , we are left with the impression that ‘ shameful difference ’ and its consequences are an immutable fact of social life , for physically impaired people : ‘ it is possible that there are no exemptions for incapacity in such areas as aesthetic norms ’ ( Haber and Smith , 1971 , p. 95 ) .
5 IN CASE any of your readers were left with the impression that most of the Chadwick Collection had disappeared into an anonymous private collector 's hands , we would like to reassure them that fortunately this was not the case .
6 Kuijken ( ) , as ever , puts musical values first , and in this he reminds me very much of a firstgeneration ‘ authentic ’ recording made by the Collegium Aureum under Schmidt-Garden ( not yet available on CD ) , which similarly involved one textually in a way which few versions can match , even if one is left with the impression that many of the musical solutions may have registered almost as comfortably on modern instruments .
7 With Richter , one is left with the impression that there is not one single note ( whatever the rate at which it might emerge ) which is n't absolutely essential to the overall design , and there are pitifully few Liszt performances of which that can truthfully be said !
8 Yesterday , the market was left with the impression that Midland might not be worth quite as much as analysts had hoped and the shares were marked back 7 to 365p .
9 Although Larsen 's agent Rune Hauge has made contact with Arsenal boss George Graham , he was left with the impression that the player did not fulfil the Gunners ' requirements .
10 With four sales to cover in a short space of time your correspondent was left with the impression that there is no lack of interest in the subject , that the general standard of cataloguing is high , but prices remain depressed — except that is for anything related to Zeppelins and lighter-than-air aviation .
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